QuickPay Generate and Send Link Request Parameters
Data Attribute Reference
Data Type
- A: Alphabet
- AN: Alphanumeric
- C: Characters
- B: Boolean
- D: Decimal
- N: Numeric
Mandatory attributes
- M: Mandatory
- C: Conditional
- O: Optional
Sending Method
Merchants must indicate whether to send the link via email OR sms (only one can be used per call)
Set the Sending parameter to either toEmails or toMobiles
Parameter | Data Type / Length | Mandatory | Description |
version | AN 3 | M | Request version number Current version: 2.1 |
timeStamp | AN 14 | M | Request time stamp
merchantID | AN 15 | M | Merchant ID provided by 2C2P |
orderIdPrefix | AN 14 | M | Prefix of merchant order number for transaction done using this QuickPay URL
description | AN 150 | M | Description of QuickPay URL
currency | AN 3 | M | Standard ISO4217 currency codes Examples:
amount | AN 12 | M | Transaction amount Examples:
allowMultiplePayment | C 1 | O | Sets QuickPay link to allow multiple payments
Default value: N |
maxTransaction | N 4 | O | Maximum number of approved transactions
expiry | AN 8 | M | Expiry date of the QuickPay link
userData1 | AN 255 | O | User data |
userData2 | AN 255 | O | User data |
userData3 | AN 255 | O | User data |
userData4 | AN 255 | O | User data |
userData5 | AN 255 | O | User data |
promotion | AN 20 | O | Promotion code to filter promotion transactions |
categoryId | AN 20 | O | Predefined payment category code for reporting purposes |
resultUrl1 | AN 255 | O | Frontend return URL |
resultUrl2 | AN 255 | O | Backend return URL |
paymentOption | C 1 | O | To restrict customer payment methods / channels:
By default, Option A is selected |
ippInterestType | C 1 | O | To indicate IPP (Installment Payment Plan)
By default, Option A is selected |
paymentExpiry | AN 19 | O | To specify payment expiry date and time for 123 service:
toEmails | AN 255 | O | Email address to receive QuickPay link
ccEmails | AN 255 | O | Email address to receive CC of QuickPay link
bccEmails | AN 255 | O | Email address to receive BCC of QuickPay link
emailSubject | AN 255 | C | Subject of email *Accepts all characters except special characters of > and <
emailMessage | AN 255 | C | Body of email *Accepts all characters except special characters of > and <
toMobiles | AN 255 | O | Mobile number to receive QuickPay link
smsMessage | AN 60 | C | Body of SMS *Accepts all characters except special characters of > and <
request3DS | C 1 | O | To enable / disable / force 3DS authentication:
By default, 3DS authentication is enabled |
enableStoreCard | C 1 | O | To enable card tokenization feature:
By default, tokenization is disabled |
recurring | C 1 | O | To enable RPP (Recurring Payment Plan):
By default, RPP is disabled If RPP is enabled, the payment response will return the RPP unique ID |
recurringAmount | D 12 | C | Recurring amount Examples:
allowAccumulate | C 1 | C | Allows a certain amount of failed RPP transactions before the RPP is terminated |
maxAccumulateAmount | D 12 | C | Set the maximum accumulated failed transaction amount. If this amount is exceeded, the RPP will be terminated.
recurringInterval | N 3 | C | Indicate the frequency of RPP charges, in days
recurringCount | N 5 | C | Indicate how many times to charge a customer with RPP
chargeNextDate | C 8 | C | Indicate the next RPP charge date
chargeOnDate | C 4 | C | Charge RPP on specific date every month
hashValue | AN 150 | M | HMACSHA1 cryptographic hash value of:
Updated almost 2 years ago