Payout Preferred Provider List
This API is for merchant to make inquiry of available Preferred Provider tied to a specific country and beneficiary types.
HTTPS POST / Server-to-Server
Preferred Provider requests and responses are encrypted using JWT with HS256 algorithm (HMAC with SHA-256) using Merchant’s Secret Key.
Merchants must know how to prepare requests and process responses using JWT Token. merchants/providers merchants/providers
API Parameter
Prepare Request
- Prepare payload data.
- Encrypt payload data with JWT - HS256 algorithm using merchant secret key.
"merchantID": "702702000000001"
"payload": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudElEIjoiNzAyNzAyMDAwMDAwMDAxIn0.utqGCuIguhJdW49bgKDqWN3QdyvGje0ixix8oNkTbVw"
- Send request to beneficiary registration API.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"payload": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudElEIjoiNzAyNzAyMDAwMDAwMDAxIn0.utqGCuIguhJdW49bgKDqWN3QdyvGje0ixix8oNkTbVw"
Receive Response
- Receiving encrypted SOF Profile data immediately.
- Decrypt payload data with JWT - HS256 algorithm using merchant secret key.
"name": "TBANK",
"currency": "THB",
"country": "TH"
"name": "CIMBRT",
"currency": "THB",
"country": "TH"
"respCode": "8101",
"respDesc": "Success – Payout request accepted"
"payload": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQcm92aWRlcnMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJUQkFOSyIsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVEhCIiwiY291bnRyeSI6IlRIIn0seyJuYW1lIjoiQ0lNQlJUIiwiY3VycmVuY3kiOiJUSEIiLCJjb3VudHJ5IjoiVEgifV0sInJlc3BDb2RlIjoiODEwMSIsInJlc3BEZXNjIjoiU3VjY2VzcyDigJMgUGF5b3V0IHJlcXVlc3QgYWNjZXB0ZWQifQ.hpHvW1U5KZEMusUQ9vLv7X-5jbOFph4B8mIIk_kLV2o"
Updated over 1 year ago