Payment Features
Standard Payments
2C2P provides a wide range of powerful online payment solutions which allows online merchants to process card, wallet and alternative payments. To learn more about the supported payment methods, refer to Payment Method
Integrate with Standard Payments
Card Tokenization
Tokenization or stored card feature is a method to replace sensitive data such as credit card details with non-sensitive data. Whenever the card is stored, 2C2P will return the card token to the merchant. The card token can then be used in subsequent payment requests. This allows merchants to offer customers a streamlined shopping experience by eliminating the need to enter card information every time during the checkout process.
With 2C2P's Tokenization feature, merchants do not need to undertake a complex and time-consuming PCI-DSS certification process. All the sensitive information is protected at 2C2P with the most advanced security that is compliant with PCI-DSS standards.
How does tokenization work?
- The merchant sends a request via API to tokenize a customer's card details.
- 2C2P responds with a card token: a random string of alphanumeric characters to represent the customer's card details.
- The merchant stores the card token for use in later transactions. The stored card token can be used in place of card details in payment requests.
Integrate with Card Tokenization
Card Tokenization Without Authorisation
Similar to card tokenization, this feature allows merchants to store card details as a token for use in subsequent transactions. However, this feature does not involve any transaction authorisation processes.
Integrate with Card Tokenization Without Authorisation
Creating a token
When using this feature, merchants must obtain the customer's consent to store their card details for future transactions.
Card Token Payments
Following a successful card tokenization process, the resulting card token can be used in place of card details in subsequent payment requests.
However, customers must still enter their card's security code (CVV) to proceed with the transaction. Merchants are advised to show the customer their masked PAN and collect the CVV code via secure data entry. The code is then submitted to 2C2P alongside the relevant card token.
Customers who have stored more than one card will be able to select which one they would like to use for the transaction.
Integrate with Card Token Payments
IPP Installment Payment Plan
The 2C2P PGW SDK allows merchants to offer Installment Payment Plans (IPP) to their customers. Customers have the option of selecting Installment Payment Plans from multiple banks.
Installment Payment Plan options can be viewed from my2C2P dashboard under 'IPP Plans' or retrieved via the Retrieve payment option details API.
Integrate with IPP Installment Payment Plan
Refer below for a glimpse of the IPP option interface:

RPP Recurring Payment Plan
2C2P allows merchants to set up recurring payment schedules for their customers.
Merchants need to send a normal payment request when charging the customer for the first time, including the parameters for the recurring payment.
2C2P will then combine the card data used for this payment and the recurring instructions to create a recurring schedule. Based on the data in the schedule, 2C2P will automatically trigger a new payment request to the customer.
Merchants can modify recurring payment details such as the interval or date and the amount of the next recurring transaction via the Recurring payment plan maintenance API.
Integrate with RPP Recurring Payment Plan
User Address For Payment
Merchants who store customers' billing address information may fill in those details during the customer's checkout process using this API.
Updated about 3 years ago