QR Payment
The 2C2P PGW SDK allows customers to scan and pay through a merchant's mobile application.
API Method
1. Prepare Payment Token Request
To prepare a payment token request, refer to the required parameters below.
Payment Token API
Refer to: Payment Token API
"merchantID": "JT04",
"invoiceNo": "1595219400",
"description": "2 days 1 night hotel room",
"amount": 10.0,
"currencyCode": "THB",
"nonceStr": "a8092512-b144-41b0-8284-568bb5e9264c",
"paymentChannel": ["QR"]
2. Receive Payment Token Response
To receive a payment token response, refer to the sample payment token response below.
String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";
NSString *paymentToken = @"roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";
let paymentToken: String = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL"
3. Prepare Payment Request
To prepare a payment request, refer to the sample code below.
Payment Request Parameters
Refer to: QR Payment Request API Parameters
Payment Channels
To see the available QR payment options, refer to: Payment Channel Matrix
PaymentCode paymentCode = new PaymentCode("VEMVQR");
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new QRPaymentBuilder(paymentCode)
.setEmail("[email protected]")
PaymentCode *paymentCode = [[PaymentCode alloc] initWithChannelCode: @"VEMVQR"];
PaymentRequest *paymentRequest = [[[[[[[QRPaymentBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentCode: paymentCode]
type: QRTypeCode.URL]
name: @"DavidBilly"]
email: @"[email protected]"]
mobileNo: @"08888888"]
let paymentCode: PaymentCode = PaymentCode(channelCode: "VEMVQR")
let paymentRequest: PaymentRequest = QRPaymentBuilder(paymentCode: paymentCode)
.email("[email protected]")
4. Prepare Transaction Request
To prepare a transaction request, refer to the parameters below.
Transaction Request API Parameters
Refer to: Do Payment Request API Parameters
TransactionResultRequest transactionResultRequest = new TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken)
TransactionResultRequest *transactionResultRequest = [[[[TransactionResultRequestBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentToken: paymentToken]
withPaymentRequest: paymentRequest]
let transactionResultRequest: TransactionResultRequest = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken: paymentToken)
5. Receive Transaction Request Response
To receive a transaction request response, refer to the parameters below.
Transaction Response API Parameters
Refer to: Do Payment Response API Parameters
Response Code
To view payment process flows based on response code, refer to: Payment Flow Response CodesQR Type Code
Refer to: QR Type Code Enums
PGWSDK.getInstance().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, new APIResponseCallback<TransactionResultResponse>() {
public void onResponse(TransactionResultResponse response) {
if(response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionQRPayment)) {
if(response.getType().equals(QRTypeCode.URL)) {
String qrUrl = response.getData(); //Display QR image by using url.
} else if(response.getType().equals(QRTypeCode.Base64)) {
//Open base64 image.
} else if(response.getType().equals(QRTypeCode.Raw)) {
//Build QR image by using raw string.
//Note: For QR payment MUST keep repeating request Transaction Status Inquiry API to check payment status until customer take payment action like scan QR for payment or cancel payment.
} else {
//Get error response and display error.
public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
//Get error response and display error.
[[PGWSDK shared] proceedTransactionWithTransactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest response: ^(TransactionResultResponse * _Nonnull response) {
if([response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionQRPayment]) {
if([response.type isEqualToString: QRTypeCode.URL]) {
NSString *qrUrl = response.data; //Display QR image by using url.
} else if([response.type isEqualToString: QRTypeCode.Base64]) {
//Open base64 image.
} else if([response.type isEqualToString: QRTypeCode.Raw]) {
//Build QR image by using raw string.
//Note: For QR payment MUST keep repeating request Transaction Status Inquiry API to check payment status until customer take payment action like scan QR for payment or cancel payment.
} else {
//Get error response and display error.
} failure: ^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
//Get error response and display error.
PGWSDK.shared.proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest, { (response:TransactionResultResponse) in
if response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionQRPayment {
if response.type == QRTypeCode.URL {
guard let qrUrl: String = response.data else { return } //Display QR image by using url.
} else if response.type == QRTypeCode.Base64 {
//Open base64 image
} else if response.type == QRTypeCode.Raw {
//Build QR image by raw string
//Note: For QR payment MUST keep repeating request Transaction Status Inquiry API to check payment status until customer take payment action like scan QR for payment or cancel payment.
} else {
//Get error response and display error.
}) { (error: NSError) in
//Get error response and display error.
## 6. Initiate Transaction Status Inquiry
A QR code will be generated for the customer to scan and pay. To retrieve transaction details and status, merchants must initiate the Transaction Status Inquiry API. Refer to the sample code below.
Transaction Status Inquiry API
Refer to: Transaction Status Inquiry API
Full Sample Code
The following sample code demonstrates requests and responses for each step of the process.
//Step 1 : Generate payment token
String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";
//Step 2: Construct QR request.
PaymentCode paymentCode = new PaymentCode("VEMVQR");
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new QRPaymentBuilder(paymentCode)
.setEmail("[email protected]")
//Step 3: Construct transaction request.
TransactionResultRequest transactionResultRequest = new TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken)
//Step 4: Execute payment request.
PGWSDK.getInstance().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, new APIResponseCallback<TransactionResultResponse>() {
public void onResponse(TransactionResultResponse response) {
if(response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionQRPayment)) {
if(response.getType().equals(QRTypeCode.URL)) {
String qrUrl = response.getData(); //Display QR image by using url.
} else if(response.getType().equals(QRTypeCode.Base64)) {
//Open base64 image.
} else if(response.getType().equals(QRTypeCode.Raw)) {
//Build QR image by using raw string.
//Note: For QR payment MUST keep repeating request Transaction Status Inquiry API to check payment status until customer take payment action like scan QR for payment or cancel payment.
} else {
//Get error response and display error.
public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
//Get error response and display error.
//Step 1 : Generate payment token
NSString *paymentToken = @"roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";
//Step 2: Construct QR request.
PaymentCode *paymentCode = [[PaymentCode alloc] initWithChannelCode: @"VEMVQR"];
PaymentRequest *paymentRequest = [[[[[[[QRPaymentBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentCode: paymentCode]
type: QRTypeCode.URL]
name: @"DavidBilly"]
email: @"[email protected]"]
mobileNo: @"08888888"]
//Step 3: Construct transaction request.
TransactionResultRequest *transactionResultRequest = [[[[TransactionResultRequestBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentToken: paymentToken]
withPaymentRequest: paymentRequest]
//Step 4: Execute payment request.
[[PGWSDK shared] proceedTransactionWithTransactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest response: ^(TransactionResultResponse * _Nonnull response) {
if([response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionQRPayment]) {
if([response.type isEqualToString: QRTypeCode.URL]) {
NSString *qrUrl = response.data; //Display QR image by using url.
} else if([response.type isEqualToString: QRTypeCode.Base64]) {
//Open base64 image.
} else if([response.type isEqualToString: QRTypeCode.Raw]) {
//Build QR image by using raw string.
//Note: For QR payment MUST keep repeating request Transaction Status Inquiry API to check payment status until customer take payment action like scan QR for payment or cancel payment.
} else {
//Get error response and display error.
} failure: ^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
//Get error response and display error.
//Step 1 : Generate payment token
let paymentToken: String = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL"
//Step 2: Construct QR request.
let paymentCode: PaymentCode = PaymentCode(channelCode: "VEMVQR")
let paymentRequest: PaymentRequest = QRPaymentBuilder(paymentCode: paymentCode)
.email("[email protected]")
//Step 3: Construct transaction request.
let transactionResultRequest: TransactionResultRequest = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken: paymentToken)
//Step 4: Execute payment request.
PGWSDK.shared.proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest, { (response:TransactionResultResponse) in
if response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionQRPayment {
if response.type == QRTypeCode.URL {
guard let qrUrl: String = response.data else { return } //Display QR image by using url.
} else if response.type == QRTypeCode.Base64 {
//Open base64 image
} else if response.type == QRTypeCode.Raw {
//Build QR image by raw string
//Note: For QR payment MUST keep repeating request Transaction Status Inquiry API to check payment status until customer take payment action like scan QR for payment or cancel payment.
} else {
//Get error response and display error.
}) { (error: NSError) in
//Get error response and display error.
Updated about 3 years ago