These docs are for v4.0.2. Click to read the latest docs for v4.3.0.

Import PGW SDK

The 2C2P PGW SDK allows merchants to accept mobile payments natively within their apps.

Supported platforms:

Download the SDK libraries here: Download

Android: Installation for Android Archive (AAR):

To import the 2C2P PGW SDK into your project, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your project in Android Studio.
  2. Download PGWSDK-Android-[Version].aar.
  3. Right-click the app in project view and select "Open Module Settings".

Step 3

  1. Click the "+" button on the top left of the options window.

Step 4

  1. Select "Import .JAR/.AAR Package".

Step 5

  1. Select the SDK files that you have downloaded (PGWSDK-Android-[Version].aar).

Step 6


Proguard configuration:

-keep class** { *; }
-keepnames class* { *; }
-keepnames interface* { *; }

iOS: Installation for Static Framework:

To import the 2C2P PGW SDK into your project, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Download and unzip PGWSDK-IOS-[Version].zip.
  3. Right-click and select "Add Files to" your project.

Step 3

  1. Select the SDK files that you have downloaded (PGW.framework).

Step 4

  1. Select "Copy items if needed" and "Create groups".
  2. Click on "Add" and import "PGWSDK" to your project.

iOS: Installation for Dynamic XCFramework:

To import the 2C2P PGW SDK into your project, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Download and unzip PGWSDK-IOS-[Version].zip.
  3. In your project settings, go to General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Drag in the file "PGW. xcframework". Make sure to select "Copy items if needed".
  4. Set your embed mode to "Embed & Sign" or "Embed Without Signing".

Step 4



For Xcode 12.5 and above, you must set your embed mode to "Do Not Embed".

  1. Go to Settings > Build Phases and create a new Run Script Build Phase.


Paste the following snippet into the text field:

bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/PGW.framework/"

Next: Initiate PGW SDK