Import PGW SDK
The 2C2P PGW SDK allows merchants to accept mobile payments natively within their apps.
Supported platforms:
- Android
- iOS
Download the SDK libraries here: Download
To import the 2C2P PGW SDK into your project, follow the steps below:
- Open your project in Android Studio.
- Download PGWSDK-Android-[Version].aar.
- Right-click the app in project view and select "Open Module Settings".
- Click the "+" button on the top left of the options window.
- Select "Import .JAR/.AAR Package".
- Select the SDK files that you have downloaded (PGWSDK-Android-[Version].aar).
Proguard configuration:
-keep class** { *; }
-keepnames class* { *; }
-keepnames interface* { *; }
To import the 2C2P PGW SDK into your project, follow the steps below:
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Download and unzip PGWSDK-IOS-[Version].zip.
- Right-click and select "Add Files to" your project.
- Select the SDK files that you have downloaded (PGW.framework).
- Select "Copy items if needed" and "Create groups".
- Click on "Add" and import "PGWSDK" to your project.
To import the 2C2P PGW SDK into your project, follow the steps below:
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Download and unzip PGWSDK-IOS-[Version].zip.
- In your project settings, go to General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Drag in the file "PGW. xcframework". Make sure to select "Copy items if needed".
- Set your embed mode to "Embed & Sign" or "Embed Without Signing".
For Xcode 12.5 and above, you must set your embed mode to "Do Not Embed".
- Go to Settings > Build Phases and create a new Run Script Build Phase.
Paste the following snippet into the text field:
bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/PGW.framework/"
Updated almost 3 years ago