Third Party Redirection
This integration flow is for merchants who want to create payments such as 3DS payments, wallet payments and internet banking payments. This flow involves the merchant performing browser redirect to a third party acquirer to process the payment.

1. Customer checks out and proceeds to pay.
2. Merchant is required to request a payment token from 2C2P.
3. 2C2P returns the payment token to the merchant.
4. Merchant requests payment option with payment token. (Optional)
5. 2C2P returns the available payment options. (Optional)
6. Merchant requests payment option details with payment token and Group/Category Code (Optional)
7. 2C2P returns the payment option details. (Optional)
8. Merchant requests payment with payment token and payment information.
9. 2C2P returns a payment response to the merchant.
10. Merchant opens a new tab for browser redirection to acquirer.
11. Customer lands on the acquirer's processing page.
12. After the processing is completed, acquirer returns the payment status to 2C2P.
13. 2C2P returns a backend payment response to the merchant.
14. 2C2P returns a frontend payment response via browser redirection.
15. If merchant did not enable backend response notification, merchant can request for a payment inquiry to get the payment status. (Optional)
16. 2C2P returns the payment inquiry details. (Optional)
Updated about 3 years ago