These docs are for v4.0.2. Click to read the latest docs for v4.3.0.


This is to redirection from 3DS Requestor side to the 3DS Server.

• Please refer to the step number 13 in the above diagram.


Redirection with a webform as below:

Field nameTypeDescription
returnUrlString3DS Requestor’s URL after user completed authentication
threeDsServerTransIdStringUnique Id is generated by 3DS provider.
<form name='InitiateCreqForm' method='POST' action=''>
      <input type="hidden" name="returnUrl " value="some URL for 3DS Requestor " />
      <input type="hidden" name=" threeDsServerTransId" value="77372bf8-a8ea-48b9-9459-7b20790a98a5" />


Display the challenge html from ACS in the browser level