Other Payment Features
Card Tokenization
Tokenization or stored card feature is a method to replace sensitive data such as credit card details with non-sensitive data. Whenever card is stored, 2C2P will return the card token to merchant.
With 2C2P's Tokenization feature, merchants do not need to undertake a complex and time-consuming PCI-DSS certification process. All the sensitive information is protected at 2C2P with the most advanced security that is compliant with PCI-DSS standards.
Integrate with Card Tokenization
Payment with Card Token
This card token can be used in subsequent payment requests. This allows merchants to build a shopping experience where customers do not need to enter their card information every time during the checkout process.
Integrate with Payment with Card Token
IPP Installment Payment Plan
2C2P Redirect API allows merchants to offer Installment Payment Plan to their customers. Customers have the option of selecting Installment Payment Plans from multiple banks.
Integrate with IPP Installment Payment Plan
RPP Recurring Payment Plan
2C2P allows merchants to set up recurring payment schedules for their customers.
Merchants need to send a normal payment request when charging the customer for the first time, including the parameters for the recurring payment.
2C2P will then combine the card data used for this payment and the recurring instructions to create a recurring schedule. Based on the data in the schedule, 2C2P will automatically trigger a new payment request to the shopper.
Updated about 3 years ago