Advance payment options
Card Tokenization & Maintenance
Card Tokenization & Maintenance
Allows merchant to Tokenize credit card information securely, and to inquire, update or delete Tokenized card data.
Action Type | Description |
A | Add new Card information to the Vault and generate Card Token. |
I | Inquiry Card Token information |
U | Update Card Token information |
D | Delete Card Token |
Recurring Payment Plan Maintenance
Recurring Payment Plan Maintenance
Allows merchant to inquire, Update and Cancel RPP (Recurring Payment Plan) record.
Action Type | Description |
I | Inquiry RPP record |
U | Update RPP record |
C | Cancel RPP record |
Installment Payment Plan Options Inquiry
Installment Payment Plan Options Inquiry
Allows merchant to pull available IPP options for specific Merchant ID.
FX Rate Inquiry
Allows merchant to get specific currency FX Rate.
FX Rate List Inquiry
Allows merchant to get a all FX Rate for the supported currencies.
[***Next : Card Tokenization & Maintenance*** ](doc:card-tokenization-maintenance)
Updated about 4 years ago