These docs are for v3.2.6. Click to read the latest docs for v4.3.0.

API parameters

Payment Request Parameter


Data types

A - Alphabet
N - Numeric
AN - AlphaNumeric
C - Characters (AlphaNumeric and symbols)


Mandatory types

M - Mandatory
C - Conditional (Mandatory for some features only)
O - Optional

Request XML
Full request elements List:


Request Attribute

VariableData Type / LengthMandatoryDescription
versionC 5MAPI version number, e.g 9.9
payloadCMBase64 Payload of the
existing payment request
signatureC 128MHash value computed by HMACSHA256 with secret key provided by 2C2P.

Payment Response Parameter

Response XML


Response Attribute

VariableData TypeLengthMandatory
versionC 5MAPI version number, e.g 9.9
payloadCMBase64 Payload of the
existing payment response
signatureAN 128MHash value computed by HMACSHA256 with secret key provided by 2C2P.

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