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QuickPay Generate Link Response Parameter


Data Attribute Reference

Data Type
A - Alphabet, N - Numeric, AN - AlphaNumeric, C - Characters, D - Decimal, B - Boolean

M - Mandatory, C - Conditional, O - Optional

ParameterData Type / LengthMandatoryDescription
versionAN 3MRequest Message version number
timeStampAN 14MRequest time stamp in
yyyyMMddHHmmss format
qpIDN 10MquickPay ID
orderIdPrefixAN 14MPrefix of merchant order number
for transaction done using this
QuickPay URL. Only alphanumeric
and special character of ._#-
currencyAN 3MStandard ISO4217 currency codes.
Eg. Thai baht = THB, Singapore
dollar = SGD, US dollar = USD.
amountAN 12MTransaction amount. E.g. SGD =
100.00, JPY = 100
expiryAN 8MExpiry date of the QP URL with
format of DDMMYYYY
urlAN 255MQuickpay URL
resCodeN 3MResponse status code.

Refer to Response Code List.
resDescAN 50MResponse status short description.
hashValueAN 150MHMACSHA1 cryptographic hash
value of:
version + timeStamp + qpID +
orderIdPrefix + currency + amount + expiry + url + resCode + resDesc
using secret_key provided by 2C2P
to merchant