These docs are for v3.2.6. Click to read the latest docs for v4.3.0.

How it works

'2C2P Payment Action API' allows merchant to Query, Manage, Capture transaction and also perform other Advance Management to RPP (Recurring Payment Plan) transactions and tokenized credit card data and pull IPP (Installment Payment Plan) plan list.

Payment Action List

#ActionDescriptionCurrent version
1Payment ActionAllows merchant to do basic transaction inquiry, void, refund and capture a transaction.3.4
2Card TokenizationAllows merchant to Tokenize a credit card information securely into 2C2P Vault.2.4
3RPP (Recurring Payment Plan) maintenanceAllows merchant to manage RPP transaction configuration.2.4
4IPP Options InquiryAllows merchant to retrieve available IPP plan for specific account.2.3

Next: How to Integrate