Installment Payment Plan options inquiry
Allows merchant to pull available IPP options for specific Merchant ID.
Download Sample Code
Please refer Demo & Live Endpoint.
Required necessary certificate key for the Payment Action Request and Response. Please refer Certificate Generation Guide.
Set account credentials
//Merchant's account information
$merchantID = "JT01"; //Get MerchantID when opening account with 2C2P
$secretKey = "7jYcp4FxFdf0"; //Get SecretKey from 2C2P PGW Dashboard
Set Inquiry Parameter
//Request Information
$version = "2.3";
Set payment action request information
//Construct signature string
$stringToHash = $version . $merchantID;
$hash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToHash ,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
Construct payment action request message
//Construct request message
$xml = "<IppOptionRequest>
$pkcs7 = new pkcs7();
$payload = $pkcs7->encrypt($xml,"./keys/demo2.crt"); //Encrypt payload
Submit payment action request message
//Send request to 2C2P PGW and get back response
$http = new HTTP();
$response = $http->post("","paymentRequest=".$payload);
Read payment response and Validate Hash
//Decrypt response message and display
$response = $pkcs7->decrypt($response,"./keys/demo2.crt","./keys/demo2.pem","2c2p");
echo "Response:<br/><textarea style='width:100%;height:80px'>". $response."</textarea>";
//Validate response Hash
$res_version = $resXml->version;
$res_timeStamp = $resXml->timeStamp;
$res_respCode = $resXml->respCode;
//Compute response hash
$res_stringToHash = $res_version . $res_respCode;
$res_responseHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256',$res_stringToHash,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
echo "<br/>hash: ".$res_responseHash."<br/>";
if(strtolower($resXml->hashValue) == strtolower($res_responseHash)){ echo "valid response"; }
else{ echo "invalid response"; }
Complete Code
//Merchant's account information
$merchantID = "JT01"; //Get MerchantID when opening account with 2C2P
$secretKey = "7jYcp4FxFdf0"; //Get SecretKey from 2C2P PGW Dashboard
//Request Information
$version = "2.3";
//Construct signature string
$stringToHash = $version . $merchantID;
$hash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToHash ,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
//Construct request message
$xml = "<IppOptionRequest>
$pkcs7 = new pkcs7();
$payload = $pkcs7->encrypt($xml,"./keys/demo2.crt"); //Encrypt payload
//Send request to 2C2P PGW and get back response
$http = new HTTP();
$response = $http->post("","paymentRequest=".$payload);
//Decrypt response message and display
$response = $pkcs7->decrypt($response,"./keys/demo2.crt","./keys/demo2.pem","2c2p");
echo "Response:<br/><textarea style='width:100%;height:80px'>". $response."</textarea>";
//Validate response Hash
$res_version = $resXml->version;
$res_timeStamp = $resXml->timeStamp;
$res_respCode = $resXml->respCode;
//Compute response hash
$res_stringToHash = $res_version . $res_respCode;
$res_responseHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256',$res_stringToHash,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
echo "<br/>hash: ".$res_responseHash."<br/>";
if(strtolower($resXml->hashValue) == strtolower($res_responseHash)){ echo "valid response"; }
else{ echo "invalid response"; }
Updated about 3 years ago