These docs are for v3.2.6. Click to read the latest docs for v4.3.0.

QuickPay Delete API


HTTPS POST / Server-to-Server

Sandbox endpoint :

Go live when you are ready, Live Endpoint is provided.

Delete Request

Below are the guidelines that how to prepare a delete request and send to 2c2p

  1. Below sample request data show the request structure. Refer QuickPay Delete Request Parameter for API Specification.
    Bind the QuickPay Delete Request data into QPDeleteReq.
	"QPDeleteReq": {
		"version": "2.1",
		"merchantID": "JT01",
		"qpID": "230969",
		"timeStamp": "20210125053251",
		"hashValue": "f65175454ef754cc3ef4d0fe93115bffbf7f1123"
  1. Encode the request data using Base64 Format. Below show sample encoded request
  1. Send the encoded request data to API endpoint.


Delete Response

Below are the guidelines that how to process delete response from 2c2p.

  1. QuickPay Delete API will return response data in Base64 format. Sample response show below.
  1. Decode the response data using Base64 Format. Below show decoded QuickPay Delete Response Data
	"QPDeleteRes": {
		"version": "2.1",
		"timeStamp": "20210125163453",
		"qpID": "230969",
		"resCode": "000",
		"resDesc": "Success",
		"hashValue": "05D8DDEF5F43F5860ABF68BAA161151E9A965392"
  1. Read the QuickPay Delete Response data from QPDeleteRes. Refer QuickPay Delete Response Parameter for API Specification.