Basic payment options
Process Type | Description |
I | Status Inquiry |
V | Void / Cancel Request |
S | Settle request |
R | Refund request (for Settled Transactions) |
RS | Refund Status Request |
The table below highlights which request type can be used each of the payment methods, card payments or alternative payments:
Request Type | Card Payment | Alternative Payment Method |
Status Inquiry | o | o |
Void / Cancel | o | o |
Settle Request | o | |
Refund Request | o | o |
Refund Status Request | o | o |
Status Inquiry
Status Inquiry
Allow merchant to query the current status of a transaction.
Void / Cancel Request
Void / Cancel Request
card payment
A Void request allows merchant to stop an existing transaction from getting Settled.
Void time frame
Void request has to be sent on the same day as the transaction authorization and before the acquirer's Cut-off time. Acquirer's cut-off time vary from one to another acquirer.
alternative payment method
A Void request allows merchant to stop an existing payment slip from getting paid by customer.
Settle request
Settle request
This request allows merchant to capture / settle a pre-authorized transaction.
Pre-authorized transaction
Pre-authorized transaction that is not settled after a period of time (commonly 7 days) will be automatically Voided by the Acquirer, the period vary from one to another acquirer.
Refund request (for Settled Transactions)
Refund request (for Settled Transactions)
credit card payment
This request allows merchant to request for Refund for a particular transaction that has been settled before.
Merchant is allowed to do multiple refund request, however the total refunded amount cannot exceed the original settled transaction amount.
Alternative Payment Method:
Refund process are not in real time, therefore merchant will not get immediate result after requesting Refund for APM transactions. The notifyURL can be used to inform merchant's system when the Refund has been executed successfully to the customer.
Refund Status Request
Refund Status Request
Allow merchant to retrieve refund record(s) for particular transaction.
Updated almost 5 years ago