API Response Code


Important Notice

New version of Response Code List has been released.
We are recommending our merchants to refer new guide Payment Response Code.

Response CodeDescription
0000API success
9004The value is not valid
9005Some mandatory fields are missing
9006This field exceeded its authorized length
9007Invalid merchant
9008Invalid payment expiry
9009Amount is invalid
9010Invalid Currency Code
9012paymentItem name is required
9013paymentItem quantity is required
9014paymentItem amount is required
9015Existing Invoice Number
9035Payment failed
9037Merchant configuration is missing
9038Failed To Generate Token
9039The merchant frontend URL is missing
9040The token is invalid
9041Payment token already used
9042Hash value mismatch
9057Payment options are invalid
9058Payment channel invalid
9059Payment channel unauthorized
9060Payment channel unconfigured
9078Promotion code does not exist
9080Tokenization not allowed
9088SubMerchant is required
9089Duplicated SubMerchant
9090SubMerchant Not Found
9091Invalid Sub Merchant ID
9092Invalid Sub Merchant invoiceNo
9093Existing Sub Merchant Invoice Number
9094Invalid Sub Merchant Amount
9095Sub Merchant Amount MissMatch
9901Invalid invoicePrefix
9902allowAccumulate is required
9903maxAccumulateAmount is required
9904recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is Required
9905recurringCount is required
9906recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is Required
9907Invalid ChargeNextDate
9908Invalid ChargeOnDate
9909chargeNextDate is required
9990Request to merchant front end has failed
9991Request merchant secure has failed
9992Request payment secure has failed
9993An unknown error has occured
9994Request DB service has failed
9995Request Payment service has failed
9996Request Qwik service has failed
9997Request user preferences has failed
9998Request store card has failed
9999Request to merchant backend has failed