Transaction Status Inquiry


HTTPS POST / Server-to-Server


API Parameter

Transaction Status Inquiry Request Parameters
Transaction Status Inquiry Response Parameter

The Transaction Status Inquiry API allows merchants to check the status of a transaction made through any merchant UI or mobile application.

Merchants should not use this API to check or acknowledge updated payment status. In such cases, merchants must use the Payment Inquiry API call from backend.

Transaction Status Inquiry Request

To prepare a transaction status inquiry request, refer to the guidelines below.

  1. Prepare payload data. The sample code below demonstrates the correct data structure for an API request.
    "paymentToken": "kSAops9Zwhos8hSTSeLTUcCrwcnrndJUZanGJy3fBEsXCiYmynwxHvK5h7XPBadJqD0nG7v65t5N2jPVrnwX2jL4nu+KKSegjUjERKCyWPg=",
    "clientID": "E380BEC2BFD727A4B6845133519F3AD7",
    "locale": "en",
    "additionalInfo": true
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "paymentToken": "kSAops9Zwhos8hSTSeLTUcCrwcnrndJUZanGJy3fBEsXCiYmynwxHvK5h7XPBadJqD0nG7v65t5N2jPVrnwX2jL4nu+KKSegjUjERKCyWPg=",
    "clientID": "E380BEC2BFD727A4B6845133519F3AD7",
    "locale": "en",
    "additionalInfo": true


Transaction Status Inquiry Response

The sample code below demonstrates the data structure for an API response.

    "channelCode": "CC",
    "invoiceNo": "1523953661",
    "additionalInfo": {
        "merchantDetails": {
            "name": "HAPPY SHOP",
            "address": "#03-00 Tras street 089997",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "logoUrl": ""
        "transactionDetails": {
            "dateTime": "311220235959",
            "agentCode": "OCBC",
            "channelCode": "VI",
            "data": "411111XXXXXX1111",
            "amount": "1000.00",
            "currencyCode": "SGD",
            "invoiceNo": "1523953661",
            "description": "item 1"
        "paymentResultDetails": {
            "code": "00",
            "description": "Transaction is successful.",
            "redirectImmediately": true,
            "autoRedirect": true,
            "autoRedirectTimer": 1000,
            "frontendReturnUrl": "",
            "frontendReturnData": "base64dataABCDEF"
    "respCode": "2000",
    "respDesc": "Transaction is completed, please do payment inquiry request for full payment information."

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