Recurring Maintenance API


Data Attribute Reference

Data Type

  • A: Alphabet
  • AN: Alphanumeric
  • C: Characters
  • B: Boolean
  • D: Decimal
  • N: Numeric

Mandatory attributes

  • M: Mandatory
  • C: Conditional
  • O: Optional


Recurring Inquiry Request Parameters

ParameterData Type/ LengthMandatoryDescription
versionAN 5MRequest version number

Current: 2.4
timeStampC 22ORequest time stamp

* In ddMMyyHHmmss format
merchantIDC 15MMerchant ID
recurringUniqueIDN 20MUnique ID of recurring
payment cycle

* Returned by 2C2P to merchant for recurring payment request
processTypeC 1MPayment process command

* I = Inquiry
recurringStatusC 1OStatus of the recurring
payment cycle

Y: active
N: inactive
amountN 12ORecurring amount

* In 12-digit leading zero format
allowAccumulateC 1OAllow accumulation if
authorization failed

* If enabled, allows accumulation of failed transaction amounts in next recurring cycle
maxAccumulateAmountN 12OLimit for total amount of failed transactions that can accumulate before terminating the cycle

* In 12-digit leading
zero format
recurringIntervalN 5ORecurring interval

In days (charge card every x days)
Max value: 365 (1 year)
recurringCountN 5OCount of recurring transactions allowed

Repeat this payment x times
Set to ‘0’ for continuous recurring transactions until terminated manually
chargeNextDateC 8ONext date of recurring

chargeOnDateN4OIndicate Recurring payment charge on specific day of every month.

Date format is ddMM.


Recurring Update Request Parameters

ParameterData Type/ LengthMandatoryDescription
versionAN 5MRequest version number

Current : 2.4
timeStampC 22ORequest time stamp

* In ddMMyyHHmmss format
merchantIDC 15MMerchant ID
recurringUniqueIDN 20MUnique ID of recurring
payment cycle

* Returned by 2C2P to merchant for recurring payment request
processTypeC 1MPayment process command

* U = Update
recurringStatusC 1OStatus of the recurring
payment cycle

Y: active
N: inactive
amountN 12MRecurring amount

* In 12-digit leading zero format
allowAccumulateC 1OAllow accumulation if
authorization failed

* If enabled, allows accumulation of failed transaction amounts in next recurring cycle
maxAccumulateAmountN 12OLimit for total amount of failed transactions that can accumulate before terminating the cycle

* In 12-digit leading
zero format
recurringIntervalN 5MRecurring interval

In days (charge card every x days)
Max value: 365 (1 year)
recurringCountN 5MCount of recurring transactions allowed

Repeat this payment x times
Set to ‘0’ for continuous recurring transactions until terminated manually
chargeNextDateC 8ONext date of recurring

chargeOnDateN4OIndicate Recurring payment charge on specific day of every month.

Date format is ddMM.


Recurring Cancel Request Parameters

ParameterData Type/ LengthMandatoryDescription
versionAN 5MRequest version number

Current: 2.4
timeStampC 22ORequest time stamp

* In ddMMyyHHmmss format
merchantIDC 15MMerchant ID
recurringUniqueIDN 20MUnique ID of recurring
payment cycle

* Returned by 2C2P to merchant for recurring payment request
processTypeC 1MPayment process command

* C = Cancel
recurringStatusC 1OStatus of the recurring
payment cycle

Y: active
N: inactive
amountN 12ORecurring amount

* In 12-digit leading zero format
allowAccumulateC 1OAllow accumulation if
authorization failed

* If enabled, allows accumulation of failed transaction amounts in next recurring cycle
maxAccumulateAmountN 12OLimit for total amount of failed transactions that can accumulate before terminating the cycle

* In 12-digit leading
zero format
recurringIntervalN 5ORecurring interval

In days (charge card every x days)
Max value: 365 (1 year)
recurringCountN 5OCount of recurring transactions allowed

Repeat this payment x times
Set to ‘0’ for continuous recurring transactions until terminated manually
chargeNextDateC 8ONext date of recurring

chargeOnDateN 4OIndicate Recurring payment charge on specific day of every month.

Date format is ddMM.


Recurring Response Parameters

ParameterData Type/ LengthMandatoryDescription
versionC 5MRequest version number

Current: 2.4
timeStampC 22MRequest time stamp

* In ddMMyyHHmmss format
respCodeC 3MResponse Code

00 = success
If not 00, the process has failed
respReasonC 100OReason of Failure
recurringUniqueIDN 20MUnique ID of recurring
payment cycle

* Returned by 2C2P to merchant for recurring payment request
recurringStatusC 1MStatus of the recurring
payment cycle

Y: active
N: inactive
invoicePrefixC 15MInvoice Prefix
currencyN 3MCurrency Code

Refer to Currency Code List
amountN 12MRecurring amount

* In 12-digit leading zero format
maskedCardNoC 16MMasked credit
card number

* Masked card format based on merchant profile setting:
•First 6 Last 4 (411111XXXXXX1111)
• Last 4 (XXXXXXXXXXXX1111)
allowAccumulateC 1MAllow accumulation if
authorization failed

* If enabled, allows accumulation of failed transaction amounts in next recurring cycle
maxAccumulateAmountN 12MLimit for total amount of failed transactions that can accumulate before terminating the cycle

* In 12-digit leading
zero format
recurringIntervalN 5MRecurring interval

In days (charge card every x days)
Max value: 365 (1 year)
recurringCountN 5MCount of recurring transactions allowed

Repeat this payment x times
Set to ‘0’ for continuous recurring transactions until terminated manually
currentCountN 5OCurrent count of transactions for recurring cycle
chargeNextDateC 8ONext date of recurring

chargeOnDateN 4OIndicate Recurring payment charge on specific day of every month.

Date format is ddMM.