Payment Request


Class PGWSDKParamsBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Android: Constructors (context, apiEnvironment)
iOS: Constructors (apiEnvironment)
Context, APIEnvironmentMPGW SDK API endpoint environment

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: API Environment
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

• In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response
• Based on ISO 639 codes

if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale.

if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale.

if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale
logBooleanOPGW SDK log information.

Global/Local Card Token Payment (GCARD / LCARD)

Class CustomerTokenPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode, token)PaymentCode, StringCInit class constructor with payment code and card token ID.

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: Payment Code
• Token: Customer token (Generated and returned by the 2C2P payment gateway if the payment's storeCard option is set to 'true')
Constructors (channelCode, token)String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code and card token ID.

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
• Token: Customer token (Generated and returned by the 2C2P payment gateway if the payment's storeCard option is set to 'true')
expiryMonthIntegerOCredit card expiry month

* Only used to update card token expiry month
expiryYearIntegerOCredit card expiry year

* Only used to update card token expiry year.
securityCodeStringOCredit card security code
pinStringOCredit card PIN
installmentInterestTypeStringCInstallment interest type

Refer to: Installment Interest Type Code
installmentPeriodIntegerCInstallment period, in months
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.
loyaltyPointsArrayCLoyalty points redeem list.

loyaltyPoints: Refer Loyalty Point

Global/Local Card Payment (GCARD / LCARD / LCARDIPP)

Class CardPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode, cardNo)PaymentCode, StringCInit class constructor with payment code and credit card number

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, cardNo)String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code and credit card number

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
expiryMonthIntegerOCredit card expiry month
expiryYearIntegerOCredit card expiry year
securityCodeStringOCredit card security code
pinStringOCredit card PIN
bankStringOCredit card issuer bank name
countryStringOCredit card issuer country code
tokenizeBooleanCAllows customer to tokenize card information

Allows merchant to indicate if the Store Card feature is enabled

• false – No (default)
• true – Yes

• If true, 2C2P Payment Gateway will return Customer Token on Payment Inquiry.
installmentInterestTypeStringCInstallment interest type

Refer to: Installment Interest Type Code
installmentPeriodIntegerCInstallment period, in months
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringCustomer's note.
loyaltyPointsArrayLoyalty points redeem list.

LoyaltyPoints: Refer Loyalty Point

Internet Banking (IMBANK)

Class InternetBankingBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode: Refer to Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.

Pay At Counter (COUNTER)

Class PayAtCounterBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode : Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate IF

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry.

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.

Self Service Machine (SSM)

Class SelfServiceMachineBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode : Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.

Web Payment (WEBPAY)

Class WebPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode : Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.
cardNoStringOCredit card number.
expiryMonthIntegerOCredit card expiry month.
expiryYearIntegerOCredit card expiry year.
issuedMonthIntegerOCredit card issued month.
issuedYearIntegerOCredit card issued year.
securityCodeStringOCredit card security code.
bankStringOCredit card issuer bank name.
countryStringOCredit card issuer country code.
tokenizeBooleanOAllowing customer to tokenize payment info.

Allowing merchant to specify if customer token feature is enabled.
• false – No (default)
• true – Yes
If true, 2C2P Payment Gateway will return Customer Token on Payment Inquiry API.

Digital Payment (DPAY)

Class DigitalPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode)StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode: Refer Payment Option Detail Response API
accountNoStringOCustomer’s account number
tokenStringODigital payment token
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID
Refer to Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
tokenizeBooleanOAllowing customer to tokenize payment info.

Allowing merchant to specify if customer token feature is enabled.
• false – No (default)
• true – Yes

If true, 2C2P Payment Gateway will return Customer Token on Payment Inquiry.

QR Payment (QR)

Class QRPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode)StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode: Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
typeStringOQR data type

Refer to: QR Type Code
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.

Buy Now Pay Later Payment (BNPL)

Class BuyNowPayLaterPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode)StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode: Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Universal Payment (Any type of payment)

Class UniversalPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code

• SDK constructor
• agentChannelCode: Refer to: Payment Option Detail Response API
cardNoStringOCredit card number
expiryMonthIntegerOCredit card expiry month
expiryYearIntegerOCredit card expiry year
securityCodeStringOCredit card security code
pinStringOCredit card PIN
bankStringOCredit card issuer bank name
countryStringOCredit card issuer country code
tokenizeBooleanOAllowing customer to tokenize payment info.

Allowing merchant to specify if customer token feature is enabled.
• false – No (default)
• true – Yes

If true, 2C2P Payment Gateway will return Customer Token on Payment Inquiry.
installmentInterestTypeStringOInstallment interest type

Refer to: Installment Interest Type Code
installmentPeriodIntegerOInstallment period, in months
tokenStringOToken from card token ID or digital payment
accountNoStringOCustomer’s account number
qrTypeStringOQR data type

Refer to: QR Type Code
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID

Refer to: Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address

Refer to: User Address

User Address Builder:
Refer to: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry

The date/time when the customer must complete the payment. Payments completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.
loyaltyPointsArrayOLoyalty points redeem list.

LoyaltyPoints: Refer Loyalty Point
issuedMonthIntegerOCredit card issued month.
issuedYearIntegerOCredit card issued year.

Do Payment Request

Class TransactionResultRequestBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token ID

• SDK constructor
• retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client ID
* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response.

_ Based on ISO 639 codes

_ If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale.

_ If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale

_ If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale
withPaymentRequestOPayment request from payment builder
Refer to: Payment Request.

Payment request builder:
Global/Local Card Token Payment
Global/Local Card Payment
Internet Banking
Pay At Counter
Self-Service Machine
Web Payment
Digital Payment
QR Payment
Buy Now Pay Later Payment
Universal Payment
Deep Link Payment
Online Direct Debit Payment
Loyalty Point Payment
Digital Currency Payment

User Address For Payment

Class UserAddressBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors ()CInit class constructor
userBillingAddressUserBillingAddressOCustomer's billing address information

Refer to: User Billing Address

Deep Link Payment (DEEPLINK)

Class DeepLinkPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code.

• SDK constructor
• paymentCode: refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code.

• SDK constructor
• channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode: refer Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate id.

fxRateId: refer Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name.
emailStringOCustomer’s email.
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number.
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address.

• userAddress: refer User Address
• User address builder: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry.

Date/time which the customer allowed to complete payment. Payment completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.

Online Direct Debit Payment (ODD)

Class OnlineDirectDebitBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code.

• SDK constructor
• paymentCode: refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code.

• SDK constructor
• channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode: refer Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate id.

fxRateId: refer Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name.
emailStringOCustomer’s email.
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number.
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address.

• userAddress: refer User Address
• User address builder: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry.

Date/time which the customer allowed to complete payment. Payment completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.
tokenizeBooleanOAllowing customer to tokenize payment info.

• Allowing merchant to specify if customer token feature is enabled.
• false – No (default)
• true – Yes
• If true, 2C2P Payment Gateway will return
• Customer Token on Payment Inquiry API.
tokenStringOToken from customer token id.

Loyalty Point Payment (GCARD)

Class LoyaltyPointPaymentBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCode, StringCInit class constructor with payment code.

• SDK constructor
• paymentCode: refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode)String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code.

• SDK constructor
• channelCode: refer Payment Option Detail Response API
cardNoStringOCredit card number.
expiryMonthIntegerOCredit card expiry month.
expiryYearIntegerOCredit card expiry year.
securityCodeStringOCredit card security code.
pinStringOCredit card pin.
bankStringOCredit card issuer bank name.
countryStringOCredit card issuer country code.
tokenizeBooleanCAllowing customer to tokenize card info.

• Allowing merchant to specify if customer token feature is enabled.
• false – No (default)
• true – Yes

• If true, 2C2P Payment Gateway will return Customer Token on Payment Inquiry API.
installmentInterestTypeStringCInstallment interest type.

refer 4.3 Installment Interest Type Code
installmentPeriodIntegerCInstallment period in month.
installmentPayLaterPeriodIntegerCInstallment pay later period.
tokenStringOToken from customer token id
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate id.

fxRateId: refer Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name.
emailStringOCustomer’s email.
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number.
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address.

• userAddress: refer User Address
• User address builder: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry.

Date/time which the customer allowed to complete payment. Payment completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.
loyaltyPointsArrayCLoyalty points redeem list.

loyaltyPoints: refer Loyalty Point

Digital Currency Payment (DCURRENCY)

Class DigitalCurrencyBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentCode)PaymentCodeCInit class constructor with payment code.

• SDK constructor
• paymentCode: refer Payment Code
Constructors (channelCode)StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code.

• SDK constructor
• channelCode: refer Payment Option Detail Response API
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate id.

fxRateId: refer Exchange Rate Response API
nameStringOCustomer’s name.
emailStringOCustomer’s email.
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number.
userAddressUserAddressOCustomer's address.

• userAddress: refer User Address
• User address builder: User Address For Payment
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry.

Date/time which the customer allowed to complete payment. Payment completed after the expiry date/time will be rejected.

Date Format : yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.

Payment UI

Class PaymentUIBuilder
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (activity)ActivityMInit class constructor with Android activity.

• SDK constructor
• activity: refer
Constructors (uiViewController)UIViewControllerMInit class constructor with iOS UI View controller.

• SDK constructor
• uiViewController: refer