APIs Interface
PGW SDK API Interface
Class PGWSDK |
Methods | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors initialize(params) | PGWSDKParams | M | Init class constructor with PGW SDK params initialize. • SDK constructor. • Refer to: Init PGW SDK |
instance/shared | PGWSDK | M | PGW SDK instance methods. |
pgwSDKParams | PGWSDKParams | M | PGW SDK params. |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. |
paymentOption (request, response) | PaymentOptionRequest, APIResponse<PaymentOptionResponse> | O | Payment option API method. Request: Refer to Payment Option Request API Response: Refer to Payment Option Response API |
paymentOptionDetail (request, response) | PaymentOptionDetailRequest, APIResponse<PaymentOptionDetailResponse> | O | Payment option detail API method. Request: Refer to Payment Option Detail Request API Response: Refer to Payment Option Detail Response API |
proceedTransaction (request, response) | TransactionResultRequest, APIResponse<TransactionResultResponse> | O | Do payment API method. Request: Refer to Do Payment Request API Response: Refer to Do Payment Response API |
customerTokenInfo (request, response) | CustomerTokenInfoRequest, APIResponse<CustomerTokenInfoResponse> | O | Customer token Info API method. Request: Refer to Customer Token Info Request API Response: Refer to Customer Token Info Response API |
exchangeRate (request, response) | ExchangeRateRequest, APIResponse<ExchangeRateResponse> | O | Exchange rate API method. Request: Refer to Exchange Rate Request API Response: Refer to Exchange Rate Response API |
userPreference (request, response) | UserPreferenceRequest, APIResponse<UserPreferenceResponse> | O | User preference API method. Request: Refer to User Preference Request API Response: Refer to User Preference Response API |
transactionStatus (request, response) | TransactionStatusRequest, APIResponse<TransactionStatusResponse> | O | Transaction status API method. Request: Refer to Transaction Status Request API Response: Refer to Transaction Status Response API |
systemInitialization (request, response) | SystemInitializationRequest, APIResponse<SystemInitializationResponse> | O | System Initialization API method. Request: Refer to System Initialization Request API Response: Refer to System Initialization Response API |
paymentNotification (request, response) | PaymentNotificationRequest, APIResponse<PaymentNotificationResponse> | O | Payment Notification API method. Request: Refer to Payment Notification Request API Response: Refer to Payment Notification Response API |
cancelTransaction (request, response) | CancelTransactionRequest, APIResponse<CancelTransactionResponse> | O | Cancel Transaction API method. Request: Refer to Cancel Transaction Request API Response: Refer to Cancel Transaction Response API |
loyaltyPointInfo(request, response) | LoyaltyPointInfoRequest, APIResponse<LoyaltyPointInfoResponse> | O | Loyalty Point Information API method. Request: Refer to Loyalty Point Info Request API Response: Refer to Loyalty Point Info Response API |
Payment Option Request API
Class PaymentOptionRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format. |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
Payment Option Response API
Class PaymentOptionResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
merchantInfo | MerchantInfo | M | Merchant information. Refer to: Merchant Info |
userInfo | UserInfo | C | User information. Refer to: User Info User info can be passed via the Payment Token API. |
channels | PaymentChannelCategory | M | Payment channel category. Refer to: Payment Channel Category |
transactionInfo | TransactionInfo | M | Transaction information. Refer: Transaction Info |
configurationInfo | ConfigurationInfo | M | Configuration information. Refer to: Configuration Info |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Payment Option Detail Request API
Class PaymentOptionDetailRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. •SDK constructor. •Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
categoryCode | String | M | Payment channel category code. Refer to: Payment Option Response API |
groupCode | String | M | Payment channel group code. Refer to: Payment Option Response API |
Payment Option Detail Response API
Class PaymentOptionDetailResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | M | Payment channel title |
categoryCode | String | M | Payment channel category code |
groupCode | String | M | Payment channel group code |
iconUrl | String | M | Payment channel icon URL |
validation | CommonValidation | M | Payment channel global common validation Refer to: Common Validation |
channels | PaymentChannel | M | Payment channel list Refer to: Payment Channel |
totalChannel | Integer | M | Total channel count of payment channels |
configurationInfo | ConfigurationInfo | O | Payment channel configuration information Refer to: Configuration Info |
responseCode | String | M | API response code |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description |
Do Payment Request API
Class TransactionResultRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format. |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
payment | PaymentRequest | C | Payment request of customer payment data. Refer to: Payment Request |
paymentUI | PaymentUIRequest | C | Payment ui request. Refer to : Payment UI Request |
Do Payment Response API
Class TransactionResultResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
channelCode | String | M | Payment channel code. Refer to: Payment Channels |
invoiceNo | String | M | Transaction invoice number. • Unique merchant order number. • This is only returned when responseCode is 2000 (transaction completed). |
type | String | C | Payment data type. For QR = QR data type. |
data | String | M | Payment data information. Refer to: API Response Code |
fallbackData | String | C | Payment fallback data information. • For payment flow 1004 only. • If users don't have the specific native app installed, this fallback will allow users to pay via web payment. Refer to: Payment Flow Code |
expiryTimer | Integer | C | Expiry timer countdown, in milliseconds. * For payment flow 1005 only. Refer to: Payment Flow Code |
expiryDescription | String | C | Payment expiry description. * For payment flow 1005 only. Refer to: Payment Flow Code |
additionalInfo | TransactionResultAdditionalInfo | C | Refer to: Transaction Result Additional Info |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Customer Token Info Request API
Class CustomerTokenInfoRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID fromat |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
Customer Token Info Response API
Class CustomerTokenInfoResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
customerTokens | Array<CustomerTokenInfo> | M | Customer token list. Refer to: Customer Token Info |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Exchange Rate Request API
Class ExchangeRateRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
bin | String | O | Credit card BIN. BIN to retrieve Dynamic Currency Conversion currency data. |
Exchange Rate Response API
Class ExchangeRateResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
providerCode | String | M | Exchange rate provider code. |
expire | Integer | M | Exchange rate offer expiry time. * In Unix timestamp. |
fxRates | Array<FXRate> | M | Exchange rate list. |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
User Preference Request API
Class UserPreferenceRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
User Preference Response API
Class UserPreferenceResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
info | UserPreferenceInfo | M | User preference information. Refer to: User Preference Info |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Transaction Status Request API
Class TransactionStatusRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format. |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
additionalInfo | String | O | Additional transaction information. • default = false • If set to true, the API will return more information as part of the response. |
Transaction Status Response API
Class TransactionStatusResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
channelCode | String | M | Payment channel code. |
invoiceNo | String | M | Transaction invoice number. • Unique merchant order number. • This is only returned when responseCode is 2000 (transaction completed). |
additionalInfo | TransactionStatusAdditionalInfo | O | Additional transaction information. Refer to: Transaction Status Additional Info |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
System Initialization Request API
Class SystemInitializationRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
System Initialization Response API
Class SystemInitializationResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
initialization | SystemInitialization | M | System Initialization information. Refer to: System Initialization |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Payment Notification Request API
Class PaymentNotificationRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. * In UUID format. |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
platform | String | M | Platform type. Refer to: Payment Notification Platform Code |
recipientId | String | M | User ID obtained from platform. |
recipientName | String | M | User name obtained from platform. |
Payment Notification Response API
Class PaymentNotificationResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Cancel Transaction Request API
Class CancelTransactionRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | M | For retrieve customer information. Note: UUID format. |
locale | String | C | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
Cancel Transaction Response API
Class CancelTransactionResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
channelCode | String | M | Payment channel code. Refer to: Payment Channels |
invoiceNo | String | M | Transaction invoice number. • Unique merchant order number. • This is only returned when responseCode is 2000 (transaction completed). |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Loyalty Point Info Request API
Class LoyaltyPointInfoRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (paymentToken) | String | M | Init class constructor with payment token ID. • SDK constructor. • Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API |
clientId | String | O | Unique client ID. For retrieve customer information. Note : UUID format. |
locale | String | O | Locale of API response. • Based on ISO 639 codes. Important: • if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale. • if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale. • if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale. |
providerId | String | M | Loyalty point provider ID. |
referenceId | String | O | Loyalty point reference ID. |
cardNo | String | O | Credit card number. |
expiryMonth | Integer | O | Credit card expiry month. |
expiryYear | Integer | O | Credit card expiry year. |
Loyalty Point Info Response API
Class LoyaltyPointInfoResponse |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
paymentToken | String | M | Payment token ID. |
providerId | String | M | Loyalty point provider ID. |
providerName | String | M | Loyalty point provider name. |
providerType | String | M | Loyalty point provider type. |
referenceId | String | O | Loyalty point reference ID. |
terms | String | M | Term and condition information. |
rewards | Array<LoyaltyPointReward> | M | Loyalty point reward info list. loyaltyPointRewards: refer Loyalty Point Reward |
responseCode | String | M | API response code. |
responseDescription | String | M | API response description. |
Updated 4 months ago