APIs Interface

PGW SDK API Interface

MethodsData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors initialize(params)PGWSDKParamsMInit class constructor with PGW SDK params initialize

• SDK constructor
• Refer to: Init PGW SDK
instance/sharedPGWSDKMPGW SDK instance methods
pgwSDKParamsPGWSDKParamsMPGW SDK params
clientIdStringOUnique client ID
(request, response)
OPayment option API method

Request: Refer to Payment Option Request API
Response: Refer to Payment Option Response API
(request, response)
OPayment option detail API method

Request: Refer to Payment Option Detail Request API
Response: Refer to Payment Option Detail Response API
(request, response)
ODo payment API method

Request: Refer to Do Payment Request API
Response: Refer to Do Payment Response API
(request, response)
OCard token Info API method

Request: Refer to Card Token Info Request API
Response: Refer to Card Token Info Response API
(request, response)
ExchangeRateRequest, APIResponse OExchange rate API method

Request: Refer to Exchange Rate Request API
Response: Refer to Exchange Rate Response API
(request, response)
UserPreferenceRequest, APIResponse OUser preference API method

Request: Refer to User Preference Request API
Response: Refer to User Preference Response API
(request, response)
TransactionStatusRequest, APIResponse OTransaction status API method

Request: Refer to Transaction Status Request API
Response: Refer to Transaction Status Response API
(request, response)
OSystem Initialization API method

Request: Refer to System Initialization Request API
Response: Refer to System Initialization Response API
(request, response)
OPayment Notification API method

Request: Refer to Payment Notification Request API
Response: Refer to Payment Notification Response API
(request, response)
OCancel Transaction API method

Request: Refer to Cancel Transaction Request API
Response: Refer to Cancel Transaction Response API

Payment Option Request API

Class PaymentOptionRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token ID

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
paymentTokenStringMPayment token id
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale

Payment Option Response API

Class PaymentOptionResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
paymentTokenStringMPayment token ID
merchantInfoMerchantInfoMMerchant information

Refer to: Merchant Info
userInfoUserInfoCUser information

Refer to: User Info

User info can be passed via the Payment Token API
channelsPaymentChannelCategoryMPayment channel category

Refer to: Payment Channel Category
transactionInfoTransactionInfoMTransaction information.

Refer: Transaction Info
configurationInfoConfigurationInfoMConfiguration information

Refer to: Configuration Info
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Payment Option Detail Request API

Class PaymentOptionDetailRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token ID

SDK constructor
Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
paymentTokenStringMPayment token id
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response

Based on ISO 639.
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale.
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale
categoryCodeStringMPayment channel category code

Refer to: Payment Option Response API
groupCodeStringMPayment channel group code

Refer to: Payment Option Response API

Payment Option Detail Response API

Class PaymentOptionDetailResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
nameStringMPayment channel title
categoryCodeStringMPayment channel category code
groupCodeStringMPayment channel group code
iconUrlStringMPayment channel icon URL
validationCommonValidationMPayment channel global common validation

Refer to: Common Validation
channelsPaymentChannelMPayment channel list

Refer to: Payment Channel
totalChannelIntegerMTotal channel count of payment channels
configurationInfoConfigurationInfoOPayment channel configuration information

Refer to: Configuration Info
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Do Payment Request API

Class TransactionResultRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token ID

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: retrieve from Payment Token API
paymentTokenStringMPayment token id
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response.

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale
paymentPaymentRequestCPayment request of customer payment data

Refer to: Payment Request
paymentUIPaymentUIRequestCPayment ui request

Refer to : Payment UI Request

Do Payment Response API

Class TransactionResultResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
paymentTokenStringMPayment token id
channelCodeStringMPayment channel code

Refer to: Payment Channels
invoiceNoStringMTransaction invoice number

_ Unique merchant order number

_ This is only returned when respCode is 2000 (transaction completed)
typeStringCPayment data type
dataStringMPayment data information

Refer to: API Response Code
fallbackDataStringCPayment fallback data information

_ For payment flow 1004 only

_ If users don't have the specific native app installed, this fallback will allow users to pay via web payment
expiryTimerIntegerCExpiry timer countdown, in milliseconds

* For payment flow 1005 only
expiryDescriptionStringCPayment expiry description

* For payment flow 1005 only
additionalInfoTransactionResultAdditionalInfoCRefer to Transaction Result Additional Info
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Customer Token Info Request API

Class CustomerTokenInfoRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token ID

SDK constructor
Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID fromat
localeStringOLocale of API response.

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale

Customer Token Info Response API

Class CustomerTokenInfoResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
paymentTokenStringMPayment token ID
customerTokensArrayMCustomer token list

Refer to: Customer Token Info
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Exchange Rate Request API

Class ExchangeRateRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token ID

SDK constructor
Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response.

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale
binStringOCredit card BIN

BIN to retrieve Dynamic Currency Conversion currency data

Exchange Rate Response API

Class ExchangeRateResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
paymentTokenStringMPayment token ID
providerCodeStringMExchange rate provider code
expireIntegerMExchange rate offer expiry time

* In Unix timestamp
fxRatesArrayMExchange rate list
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

User Preference Request API

Class UserPreferenceRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale

User Preference Response API

Class UserPreferenceResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
paymentTokenStringMPayment token ID
infoUserPreferenceInfoMUser preference information

Refer to: User Preference Info
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Transaction Status Request API

Class TransactionStatusRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token.

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale
additionalInfoStringOAdditional transaction information

default = false

If set to true, the API will return more information as part of the response

Transaction Status Response API

Class TransactionStatusResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
channelCodeStringMPayment channel code
invoiceNoStringMTransaction invoice number

Unique merchant order number
This is only returned when respCode is 2000 (transaction completed)
additionalInfoTransactionStatusAdditionalInfoOAdditional transaction information

Refer to: Transaction Status Additional Info
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

System Initialization Request API

Class SystemInitializationRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client ID

* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale

System Initialization Response API

Class SystemInitializationResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
initializationSystemInitializationMSystem Initialization information

Refer to: System Initialization
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Payment Notification Request API

Class PaymentNotificationRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client ID
* In UUID format
localeStringOLocale of API response

Based on ISO 639 codes
If locale is empty, the API will respond based on the payment token locale
If locale is indicated, the API will respond with the requested locale
If the clientID is indicated, the API will respond with the user's selected locale
platformStringMPlatform type

Refer to: Payment Notification Platform Code
recipientIdStringMUser ID obtained from platform
recipientNameStringMUser name obtained from platform

Payment Notification Response API

Class PaymentNotificationResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Cancel Transaction Request API

Class CancelTransactionRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringMFor retrieve customer information.

Note: UUID format.
localeStringCBased on ISO 639.

if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale.

if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale.

if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale

Cancel Transaction Response API

Class CancelTransactionResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
channelCodeStringMPayment channel code
Refer to: Payment Channels
invoiceNoStringMTransaction invoice number

Unique merchant order number
This is only returned when respCode is 2000 (transaction completed)
responseCodeStringMAPI response code
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description

Loyalty Point Info Request API

Class LoyaltyPointInfoRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (paymentToken)StringMInit class constructor with payment token.

• SDK constructor
• Payment token: Retrieve from Payment Token API
clientIdStringOUnique client id.
For retrieve customer information.

Note : UUID format.
localeStringOLocale of API response.
Based on ISO 639.

if locale is empty, api will response based on payment token locale.

if locale is exist, api will response with requested locale.

if clientID exist, api will response with user preference locale
providerIdStringMLoyalty point provider id.
referenceIdStringOLoyalty point reference id.
cardNoStringOCredit card number.
expiryMonthIntegerOCredit card expiry month.
expiryYearIntegerOCredit card expiry year.

Loyalty Point Info Response API

Class LoyaltyPointInfoResponse
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
paymentTokenStringMPayment token id.
providerIdStringMLoyalty point provider id.
providerNameStringMLoyalty point provider name.
providerTypeStringMLoyalty point provider type.
referenceIdStringOLoyalty point reference id.
termsStringMTerm and condition information.
rewardsArrayMLoyalty point reward info list.

loyaltyPointRewards: refer Loyalty Point Reward
responseCodeStringMAPI response code.
responseDescriptionStringMAPI response description.