The 2C2P Payment Gateway (PGW) UI SDK allows merchants to build an excellent payment experience within their mobile apps by integrating easily with 2C2P's payment gateway. As 2C2P provides omnichannel payment processing, the Payment Gateway SDK gives merchants access to a full suite of payment options.
With 2C2P's PGW payment UI feature allows merchant provide payment UI to user with little to no effort by using 2C2P's PGW payment UI and merchants do not need to undertake a complex and time-consuming PCI-DSS certification process. All sensitive information is protected at 2C2P with the most advanced security that is compliant with PCI-DSS standards.
- Android:
- iOS:
How to integrate:
- Android:
- Add required abiFilters into your project build.gradle file.
defaultConfig {
ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86_64'
- iOS:
- Add required info to your project Info.plist.
<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> <array> <string>zalo</string> <string>zalopay</string> <string>zalopay.api.v2</string> <string>scbeasy</string> <string>momo</string> <string>line</string> </array> <key>CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone</key> <true/> <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>Save image into photos app</string>
System Requirements
The SDK has been developed on following platform version:
Platform | Minimum Version |
iOS | 12.0+ |
Android | 21+ (OS 5.0) |
Note: End of life (EOL)
If the SDK is marked "EOL," it will no longer execute payments as the backend SSL certificate has changed. Please update to more recent versions as soon as possible.
Version | Description |
4.0.4 | Android & iOS: - UI improvement. |
4.0.3 | Android & iOS: - Implement with PGW SDK v4.7.1 & PGW SDK Helper v4.2.1 features. |
4.0.2 | Android & iOS: - Implement with PGW SDK v4.7.0 & PGW SDK Helper v4.2.1 features. |
4.0.1 | Android & iOS: - Implement with PGW SDK v4.7.0 & PGW SDK Helper v4.2.0 features. iOS: - Swift 5.10 & Xcode 15.4 support. |
4.0.0 | Android & iOS: - Global & local card payment. - Global & local third party payment. - Digital payment. - QR payment. - Web payment. - Pay at counter. - Self service machines. - Internet banking. iOS: - Swift 5.10 & Xcode 15.3 support. |
Updated 3 months ago