Payment Info Classes
Amount Validation
Class AmountValidation |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
min | Double | M | Set the minimum allowed amount. • If min > 0, this validates the minimum amount |
max | Double | M | Set the maximum allowed amount. • If max > 0, this validates the maximum amount |
Card No Validation
Class CardNoValidation |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
prefixes | Array<String> | M | Array of allowed prefix card numbers to identify the credit card scheme. |
regex | String | M | Regex for allowed prefix credit card numbers. |
luhn | Boolean | M | LUHN check for credit card number. • Default: true |
Customer Token Info
Class CustomerTokenInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
channelCode | String | M | Payment channel code. |
token | String | M | Customer token ID. |
accountNo | String | M | Masked credit card number. |
expiry | String | M | Credit card expiry date. Based on status: • EX: return card expiry date. • A: return masked card expiry date. • ED: return empty card expiry date. |
name | String | M | Customer’s name. |
String | M | Customer’s email address. | |
status | String | M | Credit card availability status. Prompts user if the chosen card is expiring or approaching its expiry date. • ED: = Expired. • EX: = Expiring within 6 months. • A: = Available for use. |
iconUrl | String | M | Credit card brand icon URL. |
logoUrl | String | M | Credit card brand logo URL. |
cardBrand | String | M | Credit card brand type. |
Card Type Validation
Class CardTypeValidation |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
name | String | M | Credit card brand name. |
prefixes | Array<String> | M | Array of prefix numbers to identify the credit card scheme. |
regex | String | M | Regex to identify the credit card scheme. |
iconUrl | String | M | Credit card scheme icon URL. |
Common Validation
Class CommonValidation |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
cardNo | CardNoValidation | M | Credit card number validation. Refer to: Card No Validation |
cardTypes | Array<CardTypeValidation> | M | Credit card type validation list. Refer to: Card Type Validation |
Configuration Info
Class ConfigurationInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
payment | PaymentConfiguration | M | Payment related configuration. Refer to: Payment Configuration |
notification | PaymentNotification | M | Payment notification platform configuration. Refer to: Payment Notification |
Dynamic Currency Conversion
Class DynamicCurrencyConversion |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
active | Boolean | M | Dynamic currency conversion feature status. |
terms | String | M | Dynamic currency conversion terms and conditions. |
Exchange Rate
Class ExchangeRate |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
multipleCurrencyPricing | MultipleCurrencyPricing | M | Exchange rate multiple currency pricing. Refer to: Multiple Currency Pricing |
dynamicCurrencyConversion | DynamicCurrencyConversion | M | Exchange rate dynamic currency conversion. Refer to: Dynamic Currency Conversion |
alternativePaymentMethodMultipleCurrencyConversion | AlternativePaymentMethodMultipleCurrencyConversion | C | Exchange rate alternative payment method multiple currency conversion. Refer to: Alternative Payment Method Multiple Currency Conversion |
FX Rate
Class FXRate |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
id | String | M | Exchange rate ID. |
name | String | M | Exchange rate title. |
iconUrl | String | M | Exchange rate currency icon URL. |
amount | String | M | Exchange rate offer amount. |
fx | Double | M | Exchange rate offer rate. |
currencyCode | String | M | Exchange rate currency code. • Based on ISO 4217 - A3 currency codes. |
Installment Plan
Class InstallmentPlan |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
period | Integer | M | Installment tenor period. |
interestType | String | M | Installment interest type. |
interestRate | Double | M | Installment interest rate. |
monthlyAmount | Double | M | Installment monthly amount. |
monthlyInterest | Double | M | Installment monthly interest. |
currencyCode | String | M | Installment currency code. • Based on ISO 4217 - A3 currency code. |
label | String | M | Installment plans label. |
terms | String | M | Term and condition information. |
payLaterPeriod | Integer | C | Installment pay later period. |
Merchant Additional Info
Class MerchantAdditionalInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
id | String | M | Merchant ID. |
name | String | M | Merchant name. |
address | String | M | Merchant address. |
String | M | Merchant email address. | |
logoUrl | String | M | Merchant logo URL. |
bannerUrl | String | M | Merchant banner URL. |
Merchant Info
Class MerchantInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
id | String | M | Merchant ID. |
name | String | M | Merchant name. |
address | String | M | Merchant address. |
String | M | Merchant email address. | |
logoUrl | String | M | Merchant logo URL. |
bannerUrl | String | M | Merchant banner URL. |
countryCode | String | M | Merchant county code. • Based on ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 codes |
Multiple Currency Pricing
Class MultipleCurrencyPricing |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
active | Boolean | M | Multiple currency pricing feature status. |
terms | String | M | Multiple currency pricing terms and conditions. |
Payment Channel
Class PaymentChannel |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
name | String | M | Payment channel name. |
currencyCodes | Array<String> | M | Payment channel enabled currency codes. |
iconUrl | String | M | Payment channel icon URL. |
logoUrl | String | M | Payment channel logo URL. |
down | Boolean | M | Payment channel online/offline status. • If down = true, the payment channel is down (offline) |
context | PaymentContext | M | Payment channel payment context information. Refer to: Payment Context |
Payment Channel Category
Class PaymentChannelCategory |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
name | String | M | Payment channel category name. |
code | String | M | Payment channel category code. |
iconUrl | String | M | Payment channel category icon URL. |
logoUrl | String | M | Payment channel category logo URL. |
default | Boolean | M | Default selected payment channel category. |
groups | Array<PaymentChannelGroup> | M | Payment channel group list. Refer to: Payment Channel Group |
Payment Channel Group
Class PaymentChannelGroup |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
name | String | M | Payment channel group name. |
code | String | M | Payment channel group code. |
iconUrl | String | M | Payment channel group icon URL. |
logoUrl | String | M | Payment channel group logo URL. |
default | Boolean | M | Default selected payment channel group. |
Payment Code
Class PaymentCode |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Constructors (channelCode) | String | C | Init class constructor with channel code. |
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode) | String, String, String | C | Init class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code. |
channelCode | String | M | Payment channel code. |
agentCode | String | M | Payment agent code. |
agentChannelCode | String | M | Payment agent channel code. |
Payment Configuration
Class PaymentConfiguration |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
immediatePayment | Boolean | M | Immediate payment without user input. • If there is only one payment option available and user input is not required, this will redirect to the third-party payment page. • Default: false |
tokenize | Boolean | M | Enables the tokenization feature for credit card payments. • Default: false |
tokenizeOnly | Boolean | M | Indicates that a credit card will be tokenized to generate a customer token without performing a transaction. Configured via Payment Token API. • true – Change to TWA layout • false – use as normal credit card layout |
customerTokenOnly | Boolean | M | Enforces the use of customer token payments only. |
exchangeRate | ExchangeRate | M | Exchange rate information. Refer to: Exchange Rate |
Payment Context
Class PaymentContext |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
code | PaymentCode | M | Payment code information. Refer to: Payment Code |
input | PaymentInput | M | Payment input information. Refer to: Payment Input |
validation | PaymentValidation | M | Payment validation information. Refer to: Payment Validation |
info | PaymentInfo | M | Payment info information. Refer to: Payment Info |
Payment Data
Class PaymentData |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | O | Customer’s name. |
String | O | Customer’s email address. | |
mobileNo | String | O | Customer’s mobile number. |
accountNo | String | O | Customer’s account number. |
cardNo | String | O | Credit card number. |
expiryMonth | Integer | O | Credit card expiry month. |
expiryYear | Integer | O | Credit card expiry year. |
securityCode | String | O | Credit card security code. |
pin | String | O | Credit card PIN. |
bank | String | O | Credit card issuer bank name. |
country | String | O | Credit card issuer country code. |
tokenize | Boolean | O | Enables customer to tokenize card info. |
installmentInterestType | String | O | Installment interest type. |
installmentPeriod | Integer | O | Installment period, in months. |
token | String | O | Token from customer token ID or digital payment. |
qrType | String | O | QR data type. |
fxRateId | String | O | Exchange rate ID. |
billingAddress1 | String | O | Customer's billing address 1. |
billingAddress2 | String | O | Customer's billing address 2. |
billingAddress3 | String | O | Customer's billing address 3. |
billingCity | String | O | Customer's billing city. |
billingState | String | O | Customer's billing state. |
billingPostalCode | String | O | Customer's billing postal code. |
billingCountryCode | String | O | Customer's billing country code. |
paymentExpiry | String | O | Payment expiry date-time. |
customerNote | String | O | Customer's note. |
installmentPayLaterPeriod | Integer | O | Installment pay later period. |
loyaltyPoints | Array<LoyaltyPoint> | O | Loyalty points redeem list. Refer to: Loyalty Point |
issuedMonth | Integer | O | Credit card issued month. |
issuedYear | Integer | O | Credit card issued year. |
Payment Info
Class PaymentInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
terms | String | M | Terms and conditions information. |
promoUrl | String | M | Promo image URL. |
installmentPlans | Array<InstallmentPlan> | M | Installment plan information list. Refer to: Installment Plan |
paymentCustomDatas | Array<PaymentCustomData> | M | Additional custom data from acquirer or specific info for payment channel. Refer to: Payment Custom Data |
paymentProvider | PaymentProvider | M | Payment provider info. Refer to: Payment Provider |
learnMoreUrl | String | C | Learn more url. |
termsConsent | Boolean | C | Term and condition consent. |
Payment Input
Class PaymentInput |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | M | Name input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
String | M | Email input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code | |
mobileNo | String | M | Mobile number input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
cardNo | String | M | Credit card number input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
expiryDate | String | M | Credit card expiry date input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
securityCode | String | M | Credit card security code input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
pin | String | M | Credit card pin input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
token | String | M | Token ID input validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
accountNo | String | M | Account number input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
billingAddress1 | String | M | Billing address 1 input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
billingAddress2 | String | M | Billing address 2 input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
billingAddress3 | String | M | Billing address 3 input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
billingCity | String | M | Billing city input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
billingState | String | M | Billing state input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
billingPostalCode | String | M | Billing postal code input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
billingCountryCode | String | M | Billing country code input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
customerNote | String | M | Customer note input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
issuedDate | String | M | Credit card issued date input view visibility and validation for UI. Based on admin portal configuration. • M = Mandatory • O = optional • I = Ignore • Default: M • Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field. Refer to: Payment Input Code |
Payment Notification
Class PaymentNotification |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Boolean | M | Facebook subscription view visibility. Based on admin portal configuration. • Default: false | |
Boolean | M | WhatsApp subscription view visibility. Based on admin portal configuration. • Default: false | |
line | Boolean | M | LINE subscription view visibility. Based on admin portal configuration. • Default: false |
Payment Request
Class PaymentRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
code | PaymentCode | M | Payment code for payment channel information. Refer to: Payment Code |
data | PaymentData | M | Payment data for payment request. Refer to: Payment Data |
Payment Result Additional Info
Class PaymentResultAdditionalInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
redirectImmediately | Boolean | M | Redirect immediately to frontend return URL. • If set to true: Redirects payment response to frontend return URL. • If set to false: Proceeds based on auto redirection flag. |
autoRedirect | Boolean | M | Auto redirect to frontend return URL after indicated number of seconds. • If set to true: Auto redirect to payment response in x seconds, based on auto redirect timer. • If set to false: User must proceed manually (click on button). |
autoRedirectTimer | Integer | M | Auto redirect countdown. Based on admin portal configuration. • In milliseconds (ms). • 1000 = 1 second. |
frontendReturnUrl | String | M | Merchant frontend page return URL. • If the URL is empty, the UI should not display a "Back to merchant" button. |
frontendReturnData | String | M | Data to be posted to merchant frontend return URL. Based on base64 encoding. • If the data is empty, UI should not display a "Back to merchant" button |
frontendRedirectMethod | String | M | HTTP request methods of data to be posted to merchant frontend return url. |
responseCode | String | M | Payment result response code. • 0000 - transaction success (GREEN). • 0001 - transaction failed (RED). • 0003 - transaction cancelled (YELLOW). • 0999 - general error message (GREY) Note: The UI will display a paymentResult message in the colors indicated above. Refer to: API Response Code |
responseDescription | String | M | Payment result response description. |
Payment Validation
Class PaymentValidation |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | M | Regex for name input. |
String | M | Regex for email address input. | |
mobileNo | String | M | Regex for mobile number input. |
cardNo | String | M | Regex for credit card number input. |
expiryDate | String | M | Regex for credit card expiry date input. |
securityCode | String | M | Regex for credit card security code input. |
pin | String | M | Regex for credit card PIN input. |
token | String | M | Regex for customer token ID or digital payment input. |
accountNo | String | M | Regex for account number input. |
billingAddress1 | String | M | Regex for billing address 1. |
billingAddress2 | String | M | Regex for billing address 2. |
billingAddress3 | String | M | Regex for billing address 3. |
billingCity | String | M | Regex for billing city. |
billingState | String | M | Regex for billing state. |
billingPostalCode | String | M | Regex for billing postal code. |
billingCountryCode | String | M | Regex for billing country code. |
additional | PaymentValidationAdditional | M | Additional validation input of specific channel parameters. Refer to: Payment Validation Additional |
customerNote | String | M | Regex for customer's note. |
issuedDate | String | M | Regex for credit card issued date input. |
Payment Validation Additional
Class PaymentValidationAdditional |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
cardNo | CardNoValidation | M | Credit card number validation. Refer to: Card No Validation |
amount | AmountValidation | M | Amount validation. Refer to: Amount Validation |
Recurring Info
Class RecurringInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
amount | String | M | Recurring amount. |
interval | Integer | M | Recurring interval in days. |
count | Integer | M | Total count of recurring payments allowed. |
chargeNextDate | String | M | The next date of recurring payment transaction. |
chargeOnDate | String | M | Recurring charge on specific date every month. |
System Initialization
Class SystemInitialization |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
locales | Array<SystemLocale> | M | Locale information. Refer to: System Locale |
System Locale
Class SystemLocale |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
code | String | M | Locale code. • Based on ISO 639 codes. |
name | String | M | Locale name. |
iconUrl | String | M | Locale icon URL. |
Transaction Additional Info
Class TransactionAdditionalInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
amount | String | M | Transaction amount. |
currencyCode | String | M | Transaction currency code. |
invoiceNo | String | M | Transaction invoice number. |
productDescription | String | M | Transaction product description. |
dateTime | String | M | Process transaction date-time. • Date format: yyyyMMddHHmmss |
agentCode | String | M | Agent code. |
channelCode | String | M | Agent channel code. |
data | String | M | Processed payment data from agent. |
interestType | String | M | Installment interest type. |
interestRate | Double | M | Installment interest rate. |
monthlyAmount | Double | M | Installment monthly amount. |
installmentPeriod | Integer | M | Installment tenor period. |
remainderChargeAmount | Double | C | Installment remainder charge amount. |
remainderChargeMode | String | C | Installment remainder charge mode. • F = First. • L = Last. |
installmentPlanAdditionalInfo | String | C | Installment plan additional info. • M = Mandatory. • O = optional. • I = Ignore. Default : I = Ignore. |
loyaltyPoints | Array<LoyaltyPoint> | C | Loyalty point redeemed list. Refer to: Loyalty Point |
Transaction Info
Class TransactionInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
amount | String | M | Transaction amount. |
currencyCode | String | M | Transaction currency code. |
invoiceNo | String | M | Transaction invoice number. |
productDescription | String | M | Transaction product description. |
recurring | RecurringInfo | M | Recurring information. Refer to: Recurring Info |
paymentItemInfos | Array<PaymentItemInfo> | M | Payment items information. Refer to: Payment Item Info |
showFXRate | Boolean | M | Display FX rate in UI. |
Transaction Status Additional Info
Class TransactionStatusAdditionalInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
merchantInfo | MerchantAdditionalInfo | M | Additional merchant information. Refer to: Merchant Additional Info |
transactionInfo | TransactionAdditionalInfo | M | Additional transaction information. Refer to: Transaction Additional Info |
resultInfo | PaymentResultAdditionalInfo | M | Additional payment result information. Refer to: Payment Result Additional Info |
User Preference
Class UserPreference |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | M | Customer's name. |
String | M | Customer's email address. | |
mobileNo | String | M | Customer's mobile number. |
mobileNoPrefix | String | M | Customer's mobile number prefix. |
locale | String | M | Customer's preferred locale. |
currencyCode | String | M | Customer's current currency code. |
countryCode | String | M | Customer's current country code. • Based on ISO 3166-1 codes. • For pre-selected country codes. |
User Preference Info
Class UserPreferenceInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
preference | UserPreference | M | User preference information. Refer to: User Preference |
channels | Array <UserPreferencePaymentChannel> | M | User preference payment channel list. Refer to: User Preference Payment Channel |
User Preference Payment Channel
Class UserPreferencePaymentChannel |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
name | String | M | Payment channel name. |
categoryCode | String | M | Payment channel category code. |
groupCode | String | M | Payment channel group code. |
channelCode | String | M | Payment channel code. |
iconUrl | String | M | Payment channel icon URL. |
logoUrl | String | M | Payment channel logo URL. |
Alternative Payment Method Multiple Currency Conversion
Class AlternativePaymentMethodMultipleCurrencyConversion |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
active | Boolean | M | Alternative payment method multiple currency conversion feature status. |
terms | String | M | Alternative payment method multiple currency conversion terms and conditions. |
Payment Custom Data
Class PaymentCustomData |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
type | String | M | Data type. Refer to: Payment Custom Data Code |
data | String | M | Data information. |
Payment Item Info
Class PaymentItemInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
code | Integer | M | Payment item code. |
name | String | M | Payment item name. |
quantity | Integer | M | Payment item quantity. |
price | Double | M | Payment item price. |
User Address
Class UserAddress |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
userBillingAddress | UserBillingAddress | M | Customer's billing address. Refer to: User Billing Address |
User Billing Address
Class UserBillingAddress |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
address1 | String | M | Customer's billing address 1. |
address2 | String | M | Customer's billing address 2. |
address3 | String | M | Customer's billing address 3. |
city | String | M | Customer's billing city. |
state | String | M | Customer's billing state. |
postalCode | String | M | Customer's billing postal code. |
countryCode | String | M | Customer's billing country code. |
User Info
Class UserInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
userAddress | UserAddress | M | Customer's address. Refer to: User Address |
Transaction Result Additional Info
Class TransactionResultAdditionalInfo |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
qrData | String | O | QR data. |
barcodeData | String | O | Barcode data. |
referenceNo | String | O | Payment reference number. |
paymentExpiry | String | O | Payment expiry date-time. |
Payment Provider
Class PaymentProvider |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
id | String | C | Payment provider ID. |
channels | Array<String> | C | Allowed payment channels. |
merchantInfo | MerchantInfo | C | Merchant information. Refer to: Merchant Info |
transactionInfo | TransactionInfo | C | Transaction information. Refer to: Transaction Info |
terms | String | C | Term and condition information. |
termsConsent | Boolean | C | Term and condition consent. |
capabilities | Array<String> | C | Allowed payment capabilities. |
Loyalty Point
Class LoyaltyPoint |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
providerId | String | M | Loyalty point provider ID. |
accountNo | String | O | Loyalty point account no. |
accountAuthData | String | O | Loyalty point authorize data. |
redeemAmount | Double | M | Loyalty point redeem amount. |
rewards | Array<LoyaltyPointReward> | M | Loyalty point redeem reward list. |
paymentScheme | String | C | Loyalty point provider ID. |
Loyalty Point Reward
Class LoyaltyPointReward |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
sequenceNo | Integer | M | Sequence number of list. |
id | String | M | Loyalty point reward ID. |
name | String | M | Loyalty point reward name. |
label | String | M | Loyalty point reward label. |
type | String | M | Loyalty point reward type. • P = Point. • V = Voucher. |
point | Double | M | Loyalty point reward point. |
amount | Double | M | Loyalty point reward amount. |
currencyCode | String | M | Loyalty point reward currency code. • Based on ISO 4217 - A3 currency code. |
quantity | Double | M | Loyalty point reward quantity. |
price | Double | M | Loyalty point reward price. |
totalPoints | Double | M | Loyalty point reward total points. |
totalAmount | Double | M | Loyalty point reward total amount. |
totalPrice | Double | M | Loyalty point reward total price. |
Payment UI Request
Class PaymentUIRequest |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
activity | Activity | M | Android activity. Refer to: Activity |
uiViewController | UIViewController | M | iOS UI view controller. Refer to: UIViewController |
Updated 4 months ago