Payment Info Classes

Amount Validation

Class AmountValidation
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
minDoubleMSet the minimum allowed amount
* If min > 0, this validates the minimum amount
maxDoubleMSet the maximum allowed amount
* If max > 0, this validates the maximum amount

Card No Validation

Class CardNoValidation
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
prefixesArray<String>MArray of allowed prefix card numbers to identify the credit card scheme
regexStringMRegex for allowed prefix credit card numbers
luhnBooleanMLUHN check for credit card number

* Default: true

Customer Token Info

Class CustomerTokenInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
channelCodeStringMPayment channel code.
tokenStringMCard token ID
accountNoStringMMasked credit card number
expiryStringMCredit card expiry date

Based on status

• EX: return card expiry date
• A: return masked card expiry date
• ED: return empty card expiry date
nameStringMCustomer’s name
emailStringMCustomer’s email address
statusStringMCredit card availability status

Prompts user if the chosen card is expiring or approaching its expiry date

• ED: = Expired
• EX: = Expiring within 6 months
• A: = Available for use
iconUrlStringMCredit card brand icon URL
logoUrlStringMCredit card brand logo URL
cardBrandStringMCredit card brand type.

Card Type Validation

Class CardTypeValidation
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
nameStringMCredit card brand name
prefixesArray<String>MArray of prefix numbers to identify the credit card scheme
regexStringMRegex to identify the credit card scheme
iconUrlStringMCredit card scheme icon URL

Common Validation

Class CommonValidation
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
cardNoCardNoValidationMCredit card number validation

Refer to: Card No Validation
cardTypesArray<CardTypeValidation>MCredit card type validation list

Refer to: Card Type Validation

Configuration Info

Class ConfigurationInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
paymentPaymentConfigurationMPayment related configuration

Refer to: Payment Configuration
notificationPaymentNotificationMPayment notification platform configuration

Refer to: Payment Notification

Dynamic Currency Conversion

Class DynamicCurrencyConversion
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
activeBooleanMDynamic currency conversion feature status
termsStringMDynamic currency conversion terms and conditions

Exchange Rate

Class ExchangeRate
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
multipleCurrencyPricingMultipleCurrencyPricingMExchange rate multiple currency pricing

Refer to: Multiple Currency Pricing
dynamicCurrencyConversionDynamicCurrencyConversionMExchange rate dynamic currency conversion

Refer to: Dynamic Currency Conversion
alternativePaymentMethodMultipleCurrencyConversionAlternativePaymentMethodMultipleCurrencyConversionCExchange rate alternative payment method multiple currency conversion

Refer to: Alternative Payment Method Multiple Currency Conversion

FX Rate

Class FXRate
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
idStringMExchange rate ID
nameStringMExchange rate title
iconUrlStringMExchange rate currency icon URL
amountStringMExchange rate offer amount
fxDoubleMExchange rate offer rate
currencyCodeStringMExchange rate currency code

* Based on ISO 4217 - A3 currency codes

Installment Plan

Class InstallmentPlan
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
periodIntegerMInstallment tenor period
interestTypeStringMInstallment interest type
interestRateDoubleMInstallment interest rate.
monthlyAmountDoubleMInstallment monthly amount
monthlyInterestDoubleMInstallment monthly interest
currencyCodeStringMInstallment currency code

* Based on ISO 4217 - A3 currency code
labelStringMInstallment plans label
termsStringMTerm and condition information.
payLaterPeriodIntegerCInstallment pay later period.

Merchant Additional Info

Class MerchantAdditionalInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
idStringMMerchant ID
nameStringMMerchant name
addressStringMMerchant address
emailStringMMerchant email address
logoUrlStringMMerchant logo URL
bannerUrlStringMMerchant banner URL

Merchant Info

Class MerchantInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
idStringMMerchant ID
nameStringMMerchant name
addressStringMMerchant address
emailStringMMerchant email address
logoUrlStringMMerchant logo URL
bannerUrlStringMMerchant banner URL
countryCodeStringMMerchant county code

* Based on ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 codes

Multiple Currency Pricing

Class MultipleCurrencyPricing
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
activeBooleanMMultiple currency pricing feature status
termsStringMMultiple currency pricing terms and conditions

Payment Channel

Class PaymentChannel
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
nameStringMPayment channel name
currencyCodesArray<String>MPayment channel enabled currency codes
iconUrlStringMPayment channel icon URL
logoUrlStringMPayment channel logo URL
downBooleanMPayment channel online/offline status.

* If down = true, the payment channel is down (offline)
contextPaymentContextMPayment channel payment context information

Refer to: Payment Context

Payment Channel Category

Class PaymentChannelCategory
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
nameStringMPayment channel category name
codeStringMPayment channel category code
iconUrlStringMPayment channel category icon URL
logoUrlStringMPayment channel category logo URL
defaultBooleanMDefault selected payment channel category
groupsArray<PaymentChannelGroup>MPayment channel group list

Refer to: Payment Channel Group

Payment Channel Group

Class PaymentChannelGroup
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
nameStringMPayment channel group name
codeStringMPayment channel group code
iconUrlStringMPayment channel group icon URL
logoUrlStringMPayment channel group logo URL
defaultBooleanMDefault selected payment channel group

Payment Code

Class PaymentCode
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
Constructors (channelCode)StringCInit class constructor with channel code
Constructors (channelCode, agentCode, agentChannelCode)String, String, StringCInit class constructor with payment channel code, agent code and agent channel code
channelCodeStringMPayment channel code
agentCodeStringMPayment agent code
agentChannelCodeStringMPayment agent channel code

Payment Configuration

Class PaymentConfiguration
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
immediatePaymentBooleanMImmediate payment without user input

_ If there is only one payment option available and user input is not required, this will redirect to the third-party payment page

_ Default: false
tokenizeBooleanMEnables the tokenization feature for credit card payments

Default: false
tokenizeOnlyBooleanMIndicates that a credit card will be tokenized to generate a card token without performing a transaction

* Configured via Payment Token API

• true – Change to TWA layout
• false – use as normal credit card layout
customerTokenOnlyBooleanMEnforces the use of card token payments only
exchangeRateExchangeRateMExchange rate information

Refer to: Exchange Rate

Payment Context

Class PaymentContext
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
codePaymentCodeMPayment code information

Refer to: Payment Code
inputPaymentInputMPayment input information

Refer to: Payment Input
validationPaymentValidationMPayment validation information

Refer to: Payment Validation
infoPaymentInfoMPayment info information

Refer to: Payment Info

Payment Data

Class PaymentData
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
nameStringOCustomer’s name
emailStringOCustomer’s email address
mobileNoStringOCustomer’s mobile number
accountNoStringOCustomer’s account number
cardNoStringOCredit card number
expiryMonthIntegerOCredit card expiry month
expiryYearIntegerOCredit card expiry year
securityCodeStringOCredit card security code
pinStringOCredit card PIN
bankStringOCredit card issuer bank name
countryStringOCredit card issuer country code
tokenizeBooleanOEnables customer to tokenize card info
installmentInterestTypeStringOInstallment interest type
installmentPeriodIntegerOInstallment period, in months
tokenStringOToken from card token ID or digital payment
qrTypeStringOQR data type
fxRateIdStringOExchange rate ID
billingAddress1StringOCustomer's billing address 1
billingAddress2StringOCustomer's billing address 2
billingAddress3StringOCustomer's billing address 3
billingCityStringOCustomer's billing city
billingStateStringOCustomer's billing state
billingPostalCodeStringOCustomer's billing postal code
billingCountryCodeStringOCustomer's billing country code
paymentExpiryStringOPayment expiry datetime
customerNoteStringOCustomer's note.
installmentPayLaterPeriodIntegerOInstallment pay later period.
loyaltyPointsArray<LoyaltyPoint>OLoyalty points redeem list.

Refer to: Loyalty Point
issuedMonthIntegerOCredit card issued month.
issuedYearIntegerOCredit card issued year.

Payment Info

Class PaymentInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
termsStringMTerms and conditions information
promoUrlStringMPromo image URL
installmentPlansArray<InstallmentPlan>MInstallment plan information list

Refer to: Installment Plan
paymentCustomDatasArray<PaymentCustomData>MAdditional custom data from acquirer or specific info for payment channel

Refer to: Payment Custom Data
paymentProviderPaymentProviderMPayment provider info

Refer to: Payment Provider
learnMoreUrlStringCLearn more url.
termsConsentBooleanCTerm and condition consent.

Payment Input

Class PaymentInput
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
nameStringMName input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
emailStringMEmail input view visibility and validation for UI

/8 Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

_ Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
mobileNoStringMMobile number input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
cardNoStringMCredit card number input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
expiryDateStringMCredit card expiry date input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
securityCodeStringMCredit card security code input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
pinStringMCredit card pin input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
tokenStringMToken ID input validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
accountNoStringMAccount number input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
billingAddress1StringMBilling address 1 input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
billingAddress2StringMBilling address 2 input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
billingAddress3StringMBilling address 3 input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
billingCityStringMBilling city input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
billingStateStringMBilling state input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
billingPostalCodeStringMBilling postal code input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
billingCountryCodeStringMBilling country code input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code
issuedDateStringMCredit card issued date input view visibility and validation for UI

_ Based on admin portal configuration

• M = Mandatory
• O = optional
• I = Ignore

_ Default: M

* Note: Setting this to “I” (Ignore) will bypass validation and hide the user input field.

Refer to: Payment Input Code

Payment Notification

Class PaymentNotification
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
facebookBooleanMFacebook subscription view visibility

_ Based on admin portal configuration.

_ Default: false
whatsAppBooleanMWhatsApp subscription view visibility

_ Based on admin portal configuration.

_ Default: false
lineBooleanMLINE subscription view visibility

_ Based on admin portal configuration.

_ Default: false

Payment Request

Class PaymentRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
codePaymentCodeMPayment code for payment channel information

Refer to: Payment Code
dataPaymentDataMPayment data for payment request

Refer to: Payment Data

Payment Result Additional Info

Class PaymentResultAdditionalInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
redirectImmediatelyBooleanMRedirect immediately to frontend return URL

• If set to true: Redirects payment response to frontend return URL

• If set to false: Proceeds based on auto redirection flag
autoRedirectBooleanMAuto redirect to frontend return URL after indicated number of seconds

• If set to true: Auto redirect to payment response in x seconds, based on auto redirect timer

• If set to false: User must proceed manually (click on button)
autoRedirectTimerIntegerMAuto redirect countdown

_ Based on admin portal configuration.

_ In milliseconds (ms)

* 1000 = 1 second
frontendReturnUrlStringMMerchant frontend page return URL

* If the URL is empty, the UI should not display a "Back to merchant" button
frontendReturnDataStringMData to be posted to merchant frontend return URL

_ Based on base64 encoding

_ If the data is empty, UI should not display a "Back to merchant" button
frontendRedirectMethodStringMHTTP request methods of data to be posted to merchant frontend return url.
responseCodeStringMPayment result response code

_ 0000 - transaction success (GREEN)

_ 0001 - transaction failed (RED)

_ 0003 - transaction cancelled (RED)

_ 0999 - general error message (GREY)

* Note: The UI will display a paymentResult message in the colors indicated above

Refer to: API Response Code
responseDescriptionStringMPayment result response description

Payment Validation

Class PaymentValidation
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
nameStringMRegex for name input
emailStringMRegex for email address input
mobileNoStringMRegex for mobile number input
cardNoStringMRegex for credit card number input
expiryDateStringMRegex for credit card expiry date input
securityCodeStringMRegex for credit card security code input
pinStringMRegex for credit card PIN input
tokenStringMRegex for card token ID or digital payment input
accountNoStringMRegex for account number input
billingAddress1StringMRegex for billing address 1
billingAddress2StringMRegex for billing address 2
billingAddress3StringMRegex for billing address 3
billingCityStringMRegex for billing city
billingStateStringMRegex for billing state
billingPostalCodeStringMRegex for billing postal code
billingCountryCodeStringMRegex for billing country code
additionalPaymentValidationAdditionalMAdditional validation input of specific channel parameters

Refer to: Payment Validation Additional
customerNoteStringMRegex for customer's note.
issuedDateStringMRegex for credit card issued date input.

Payment Validation Additional

Class PaymentValidationAdditional
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
cardNoCardNoValidationMCredit card number validation

Refer to: Card No Validation
amountAmountValidationMAmount validation

Refer to: Amount Validation

Recurring Payment Info

Class RecurringInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
amountStringMRecurring amount
intervalIntegerMRecurring interval in days
countIntegerMTotal count of recurring payments allowed
chargeNextDateStringMThe next date of recurring payment transaction
chargeOnDateStringMRecurring charge on specific date every month

System Initialization

Class SystemInitialization
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
localesArray<SystemLocale>MLocale information

Refer to: System Locale

System Locale

Class SystemLocale
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
codeStringMLocale code

* Based on ISO 639 codes
nameStringMLocale name
iconUrlStringMLocale icon URL

Transaction Additional Info

Class TransactionAdditionalInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
amountStringMTransaction amount
currencyCodeStringMTransaction currency code
invoiceNoStringMTransaction invoice number
productDescriptionStringMTransaction product description
dateTimeStringMProcess transaction datetime

* Date format: yyyyMMddHHmmss
agentCodeStringMAgent code
channelCodeStringMAgent channel code
dataStringMProcessed payment data from agent
interestTypeStringMInstallment interest type
interestRateDoubleMInstallment interest rate
monthlyAmountDoubleMInstallment monthly amount
installmentPeriodIntegerMInstallment tenor period
remainderChargeAmountDoubleCInstallment remainder charge amount.
remainderChargeModeStringCInstallment remainder charge mode.

F = First
L = Last
installmentPlanAdditionalInfoStringCInstallment plan additional info.

M = Mandatory
O = optional
I = Ignore
Default : I = Ignore
loyaltyPointsArray<LoyaltyPoint>CLoyalty point redeemed list.

Refer to: Loyalty Point

Transaction Info

Class TransactionInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
amountStringMTransaction amount
currencyCodeStringMTransaction currency code
invoiceNoStringMTransaction invoice number
productDescriptionStringMTransaction product description
recurringRecurringInfoMRecurring information

Refer to: Recurring Info
paymentItemInfosArray<PaymentItemInfo>MPayment items information

Refer to: Payment Item Info
showFXRateBooleanMDisplay FX rate in UI.

Transaction Status Additional Info

Class TransactionStatusAdditionalInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
merchantInfoMerchantAdditionalInfoMAdditional merchant information

Refer to: Merchant Additional Info
transactionInfoTransactionAdditionalInfoMAdditional transaction information

Refer to: Transaction Additional Info
resultInfoPaymentResultAdditionalInfoMAdditional payment result information.=

Refer to: Payment Result Additional Info

User Preference

Class UserPreference
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
nameStringMCustomer's name
emailStringMCustomer's email address
mobileNoStringMCustomer's mobile number
mobileNoPrefixStringMCustomer's mobile number prefix
localeStringMCustomer's preferred locale
currencyCodeStringMCustomer's current currency code
countryCodeStringMCustomer's current country code

_ Based on ISO 3166-1 codes

_ For pre-selected country codes

User Preference Info

Class UserPreferenceInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
preferenceUserPreferenceMUser preference information

Refer to: User Preference
channelsArray <UserPreferencePaymentChannel>MUser preference payment channel list

Refer to: User Preference Payment Channel

User Preference Payment Channel

Class UserPreferencePaymentChannel
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
nameStringMPayment channel name
categoryCodeStringMPayment channel category code
groupCodeStringMPayment channel group code
channelCodeStringMPayment channel code
iconUrlStringMPayment channel icon URL
logoUrlStringMPayment channel logo URL

Alternative Payment Method Multiple Currency Conversion

Class AlternativePaymentMethodMultipleCurrencyConversion
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
activeBooleanMAlternative payment method multiple currency conversion feature status
termsStringMAlternative payment method multiple currency conversion terms and conditions

Payment Custom Data

Class PaymentCustomData
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list
typeStringMData type

Refer to: Payment Custom Data Code
dataStringMData information

Payment Item Info

Class PaymentItemInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
codeIntegerMPayment item code
nameStringMPayment item name
quantityIntegerMPayment item quantity
priceDoubleMPayment item price

User Address

Class UserAddress
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
userBillingAddressUserBillingAddressMCustomer's billing address

Refer to: User Billing Address

User Billing Address

Class UserBillingAddress
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
address1StringMCustomer's billing address 1
address2StringMCustomer's billing address 2
address3StringMCustomer's billing address 3
cityStringMCustomer's billing city
stateStringMCustomer's billing state
postalCodeStringMCustomer's billing postal code
countryCodeStringMCustomer's billing country code

User Info

Class UserInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
userAddressUserAddressMCustomer's address
Refer to: User Address

Transaction Result Additional Info

Class TransactionResultAdditionalInfo
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
qrDataStringOQR data
barcodeDataStringOBarcode data
referenceNoStringOPayment reference number

Payment Provider

Class PaymentProvider
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
idStringCPayment provider ID
channelsArray<String>CAllowed payment channels
merchantInfoMerchantInfoCMerchant information

Refer to: Merchant Info
transactionInfoTransactionInfoCTransaction information

Refer to: Transaction Info

Loyalty Point

Class LoyaltyPoint
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
providerIdStringMLoyalty point provider id.
accountNoStringOLoyalty point account no.
accountAuthDataStringOLoyalty point authorize data.
redeemAmountDoubleMLoyalty point redeem amount.
rewardsArray<LoyaltyPointReward>MLoyalty point redeem reward list.
paymentSchemeStringCLoyalty point provider id.

Loyalty Point Reward

Class LoyaltyPointReward
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
sequenceNoIntegerMSequence number of list.
idStringMLoyalty point reward id.
nameStringMLoyalty point reward name.
labelStringMLoyalty point reward label.
typeStringMLoyalty point reward type.

P = Point
V = Voucher
pointDoubleMLoyalty point reward point.
amountDoubleMLoyalty point reward amount.
currencyCodeStringMLoyalty point reward currency code.

Based on ISO 4217 - A3 currency code
quantityDoubleMLoyalty point reward quantity.
priceDoubleMLoyalty point reward price.
totalPointsDoubleMLoyalty point reward total points.
totalAmountDoubleMLoyalty point reward total amount.
totalPriceDoubleMLoyalty point reward total price.

Info Filter

Class InfoFilter
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
tokenStringOFilter by customer token.

Payment UI Request

Class PaymentUIRequest
ParameterData TypeMandatoryDescription
activityActivityMAndroid activity.
uiViewControllerUIViewControllerMiOS UI View controller.