Card Installment Plan Info
HTTPS POST / Server-to-Server
API Parameter
Card Installment Plan Info Request Parameter
Card Installment Plan Info Response Parameter
The Card Installment Plan Info API allows merchants to retrieve Installment Plan information.
Card Installment Plan Info Request
To prepare an API request, refer to the guidelines below.
- The sample code below demonstrates the correct structure for an API request.
"paymentToken": "kSAops9Zwhos8hSTSeLTUcCrwcnrndJUZanGJy3fBEsXCiYmynwxHvK5h7XPBadJqD0nG7v65t5N2jPVrnwX2jL4nu+KKSegjUjERKCyWPg=",
"securePayToken": "00acdvbILhNQDPn1**********t1KigCEq51QYqHps",
"bankCode": "Visa Insta"
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"paymentToken": "kSAops9Zwhos8hSTSeLTUcCrwcnrndJUZanGJy3fBEsXCiYmynwxHvK5h7XPBadJqD0nG7v65t5N2jPVrnwX2jL4nu+KKSegjUjERKCyWPg=",
"securePayToken": "00acdvbILhNQDPn1**********t1KigCEq51QYqHps",
"bankCode": "Visa Insta"
Card Installment Plan Info Response
The sample code below demonstrates the data structure for an API response.
"totalChannel": 1,
"name": "Installment Plan Payment",
"categoryCode": "GCARD",
"groupCode": "IPP",
"iconUrl": "",
"channels": [
"sequenceNo": 1,
"name": "HSBC Hong Kong by Visa Instalment ",
"bankShortName": "Visa Insta",
"currencyCodes": [
"iconUrl": " Insta.png",
"logoUrl": " Insta.png",
"payment": {
"code": {
"channelCode": "IPP"
"input": {
"cardNo": "M",
"expiryDate": "M",
"securityCode": "M",
"name": "O",
"email": "O",
"customerNote": "I"
"validation": {
"cardNo": null,
"expiryDate": "^(2\\d{3}0?[1-9]|1[012])$",
"securityCode": "^[0-9]{3,4}$",
"name": "^(?!\\s*$)[-a-zA-Z' ''.']{1,}$",
"email": "^(([^<>()\\[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\"]+(\\.[^<>()\\[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$",
"customerNote": "(.*?)",
"additional": {
"cardNo": {
"luhn": true,
"prefixes": [
"amount": null
"info": {
"terms": "I acknowledge that I agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of HSBC Credit Card Interest-free Merchant Instalment Plan. \n\n<a href="" target="_blank ">Terms and Conditions</a>",
"promoUrl": "",
"plans": [
"sequenceNo": 1,
"period": 3,
"interestType": "M",
"interestRate": 0,
"monthlyAmount": 220,
"monthlyInterest": 0,
"currencyCode": "HKD",
"label": "3 months with 0% interest (monthly instalment amount 220.00 HKD)",
"terms": "",
"payLaterPeriod": null,
"IppAdditionalInfo": null,
"DecimalRoundingMode": null,
"processingFixedFee": 0,
"processingPercentage": 0,
"processingAmount": 0
"sequenceNo": 2,
"period": 6,
"interestType": "M",
"interestRate": 0,
"monthlyAmount": 110,
"monthlyInterest": 0,
"currencyCode": "HKD",
"label": "6 months with 0% interest (monthly instalment amount 110.00 HKD)",
"terms": "",
"payLaterPeriod": null,
"IppAdditionalInfo": null,
"DecimalRoundingMode": null,
"processingFixedFee": 0,
"processingPercentage": 0,
"processingAmount": 0
"sequenceNo": 3,
"period": 12,
"interestType": "M",
"interestRate": 0,
"monthlyAmount": 55,
"monthlyInterest": 0,
"currencyCode": "HKD",
"label": "12 months with 0% interest (monthly instalment amount 55.00 HKD)",
"terms": "",
"payLaterPeriod": null,
"IppAdditionalInfo": null,
"DecimalRoundingMode": null,
"processingFixedFee": 0,
"processingPercentage": 0,
"processingAmount": 0
"learnMoreUrl": "",
"termsConsent": true
"isDown": false,
"CheckEligibleOption": true,
"ippProviderCode": "VISA",
"registrationStatus": "ONBOARDED",
"partnerMerchantRefID": "344344000000032",
"displayProcessingAmount": false
"validation": {
"cardNo": {
"prefixes": [
"regex": null
"cardTypes": [
"sequenceNo": 2,
"name": "VISA",
"prefixes": [
"regex": "^4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?$",
"iconUrl": ""
"configuration": {
"payment": {
"tokenize": false,
"tokenizeOnly": false,
"cardTokenOnly": false,
"immediatePayment": false,
"fx": {}
"notification": {
"facebook": false,
"whatsApp": false,
"line": false
"respCode": "0000",
"respDesc": "Success"
Updated 6 months ago