How to integrate
Enable native mobile payments by integrating the 2C2P Payment Gateway SDK with these guides
Learn how to import the 2C2P PGW SDK into your application.
Learn how to initialise the 2C2P PGW SDK, which merchants must do before performing any transactions.
Handle PGW Payment Authentication
Learn how to authenticate payments so that you can generate payment tokens. Merchants use payment tokens to retrieve transaction details or manage transactions via API.
For transactions involving the 2C2P PGW SDK, 2C2P communicates with merchant servers via backend responses. Merchants must ensure that their server's return URL is registered under their 2C2P Merchant Dashboard.
Construct payment requests
Learn how to generate payment tokens for any type of payment request.
Learn how to submit secure payment requests from the 2C2P PGW SDK to 2C2P. This API allows the 2C2P PGW SDK to redirect customers to issuer's ACS page for 3DS authentication.
Check payment result information based on transaction ID.
Optional: Retrieve payment information
Optional: Retrieve payment options
This API allows merchants to retrieve their account's merchant details, transaction details, and enabled payment options. Merchants can use these details when customising the payment experience UI/UX from their end.
Optional: Retrieve payment option details
This API allows merchants to retrieve their account's bank bins or available instalment plan options. Merchants can use this information to verify customer input or display available options to customers.
Next: Payment Features
Learn how to handle payment features like card tokenization, IPP (instalment payment plans), and more.
Next: Payment Methods
See the integration steps for payment methods like cards, web payments, and more.
Updated about 3 years ago