Payment Enums

API Environment

Enum APIEnvironment
ParameterData TypeDescription
ProductionStringProduction API environment endpoint.

• For all countries excluding Indonesia.
ProductionIndonesiaStringIndonesia production API environment endpoint.

• Only for Indonesia.
SandboxStringSandbox API environment endpoint.

• For testing.

API Response Codes

Enum APIResponseCode
ParameterData TypeDescription
APISuccessStringGeneral API success.
TransactionAuthenticateRedirectStringLoad redirect URL with iframe or webview.

• Client should close the iframe when the URL is loading the result URL and read the BODY message.
TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirectStringFull redirect to third-party web page.
TransactionExternalBrowserStringLoad redirect URL within new tab in external web browser.
Load redirect scheme URL to open third-party application that does not do callbacks.

• Mobile: On app RESUME, call Transaction Status API.
Refer to: Transaction Status API

• Web: Do a looping query or long post to get transaction status.

Refer to: PGW SDK API Interface of Transaction status method.
TransactionPaymentSlipStringGet Alternative Payment Method (APM) payment slip information and set transaction status to PENDING.

• Get payment slip info and display payment slip.
TransactionExternalApplicationStringRedirect to external app with app scheme, and back with app call back.

• Mobile: receive call back from third-party application.
• Web: N/A.
TransactionQRPaymentStringDisplay generated QR information for scan.

• After the QR code is displayed, do a looping query or long post to get transaction status.
Refer to: Transaction Status API
TransactionCompletedStringTransaction completed, perform payment inquiry to get payment status and full response.

• Get payment result, and display result to customer.
TransactionInProgressStringTransaction in progress.

• Recursively inquires for transaction status until API returns payment result

Refer to: PGW SDK API Interface
TransactionNotFoundStringTransaction not found.

• Displays result to customer
TransactionInquiryFailedStringTransaction inquiry failed.

• Displays result to customer

Installment Interest Type Code

Enum InstallmentInterestTypeCode
ParameterData TypeDescription
CustomerStringCustomer interest type.
MerchantStringMerchant interest type.

Payment Channel Code

Enum PaymentChannelCode
ParameterData TypeDescription
Category--Payment category.
GlobalCardPaymentStringGlobal card payment category.
LocalCardPaymentStringLocal card payment category.
LocalCardInstallmentPaymentPlanStringLocal card installment payment plan category.
DigitalPaymentStringDigital payment category.
QRPaymentStringQR payment category.
WebPaymentStringWeb payment category.
SelfServiceMachineStringSelf service machine payment category.
PayAtCounterStringPay at counter payment category.
InternetBankingStringInternet banking payment category.
GlobalBuyNowPayLaterStringGlobal Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) category.
DeepLinkPaymentStringDeep link payment category.
OnlineDirectDebitStringOnline direct debit category.
DigitalCurrencyStringDigital currency category.
Group--Payment group.
CreditCardStringCredit card payment group.
ProprietaryCardStringProprietary card payment group.
GlobalInstallmentPaymentPlanStringGlobal installment payment plan payment group.
LocalInstallmentPaymentPlanStringLocal installment payment plan payment group.
GlobalThirdPartyPaymentStringGlobal third party payment group.
LocalThirdPartyPaymentStringLocal third party payment group.
EWalletPaymentStringE-Wallet payment group.
MasterPassStringMasterpass payment group.
QRCodePaymentStringQR code payment group.
CardSchemeQRPaymentStringCard scheme QR payment group.
ThaiQRPaymentStringThai QR payment group.
SingaporeQRPaymentStringSingapore QR payment group.
WebPaymentStringWeb payment group.
AutomatedTellerMachineStringAutomated teller machine payment group.
KioskStringKIOSK payment group.
BankCounterStringBank counter payment group.
OverTheCounterStringOver the counter payment group.
InternetBankingStringInternet banking payment group
BuyNowPayLaterStringBuy Now Pay Later (BNPL) payment group.
CardWalletPaymentStringCard wallet payment group.
DeepLinkPaymentStringDeep link payment group.
CardLoyaltyPointPaymentStringCard loyalty point payment group.
OnlineDirectDebitStringOnline direct debit group.
CryptoCurrencyStringCryptocurrency group.
Channel--Payment channel.
LinePayStringLine pay channel.
MoMoWalletStringMomo wallet channel.
ShopeePayStringShoppe pay channel.
OneTwoThreeString123 payment channel.
GooglePayStringGoogle pay channel.
CardLoyaltyPointPaymentStringCard loyalty point payment channel.
ApplePayStringApple pay channel.
ZaloPayStringZaloPay channel.
TripleAWalletStringTriple-A Wallet channel.
AgentChannel--Payment agent channel.
WebPaymentStringWeb payment agent channel.
AutomatedTellerMachineStringAutomated teller machine agent channel.
KioskStringKIOSK agent channel.
BankCounterStringBank counter agent channel.
OverTheCounterStringOver the counter agent channel.
InternetBankingStringInternet banking agent channel.
DeepLinkPaymentStringDeep link agent channel.
OnlineDirectDebitStringOnline direct debit agent channel.

Payment Input Code

Enum PaymentInputCode
ParameterData TypeDescription
MandatoryStringMandatory for payment input.
IgnoreStringIgnore for payment input.
OptionalStringOptional for payment input.

Payment Notification Platform Code

Enum PaymentNotificationPlatformCode
ParameterData TypeDescription
FacebookStringPayment notification to Facebook platform.
WhatsAppStringPayment notification to WhatsApp platform.
WeChatStringPayment notification to WeChat platform.
LineStringPayment notification to LINE platform.
EmailStringPayment notification to email platform.

QR Type Code

Enum QRTypeCode
ParameterData TypeDescription
RawStringQR raw data.
Base64StringQR base64 data.
URLStringQR URL data.

Payment Custom Data Code

Enum PaymentCustomDataCode
ParameterData TypeDescription
TextStringCustom text data.

• Text for display.
ImageUrlStringCustom image URL data.

• Image for display.
WebUrlStringCustom web URL data.

• Hyperlink for redirection.
FileUrlStringCustom file URL data.

• File for download.

Payment UI Response Code

Enum PaymentUIResponseCode
iOS / Android0000The transaction completed, please use payment token for request transaction status inquiry API.
iOS / Android0001The transaction cancelled by user manually.
iOS / Android0002The transaction failed, error: {values}.
iOS / Android0003The transaction retry failed, please re-submit the ui payment request again.
iOS / Android0099Validation failed due to invalid value for {values}, these value are required for the payment.
iOS0099The payment ui initialization failed.