Payment Enums
Deep Link Payment Response Code
Class DeepLinkPaymentResponseCode |
Parameter | Platform | Code | Description |
PaymentTransactionStatusInquiry PaymentTransactionStatusInquiryDescription | iOS / Android | 0000 | Request transaction status inquiry API. |
PaymentTokenNotFound PaymentTokenNotFoundDescription | iOS / Android | 0001 | Payment token not found. |
PaymentCancelled PaymentCancelledDescription | iOS / Android | 0002 | The payment cancelled. |
OpenAppWithDataSuccess OpenAppWithDataSuccessDescription | iOS / Android | 0003 | Open app by data scheme success. |
OpenAppWithFallbackDataSuccess OpenAppWithFallbackDataSuccessDescription | iOS / Android | 0003 | Open app by fallback data success. |
RetryOpenAppWithFallbackData RetryOpenAppWithFallbackDataDescription | iOS / Android | 0004 | Open app by data scheme failed, due to user may not install the targeted app and re-try open app by fallback data. |
OpenAppWithDataAndFallbackFailed OpenAppWithDataAndFallbackFailedDescription | iOS / Android | 0005 | Open app by data scheme and fallback data both failed. |
ValidationFailed ValidationFailedDescription | iOS / Android | 0099 | Validation failed due to invalid value for {values}, these value are required for the payment. |
InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallback InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallbackDescription | iOS / Android | 0099 | The payment result response callback cannot be null/nil. |
ThirdPartySDKFailed ThirdPartySDKFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | Third party SDK failed. |
LaunchPaymentActivityFailed LaunchPaymentActivityFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | Launch payment activity failed. |
PaymentInfoInitializationFailed PaymentInfoInitializationFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | The payment info initialization failed. |
Google Pay Payment Response Code
Class GooglePayPaymentResponseCode |
Parameter | Platform | Code | Description |
TokenGeneratedSuccess TokenGeneratedSuccessDescription | Android | 0000 | The Google Pay token successfully generated. |
SupportedDevice SupportedDeviceDescription | Android | 0000 | The Google Pay supported on this device. |
TokenGenerateFailed TokenGenerateFailedDescription | Android | 0001 | The Google Pay token generate failed. |
PaymentCancelled PaymentCancelledDescription | Android | 0002 | The Google Pay cancelled. |
UnsupportedDevice UnsupportedDeviceDescription | Android | 0003 | The Google Pay unsupported on this device. |
PaymentFailed PaymentFailedDescription | Android | 0004 | The Google Pay payment failed, please check GooglePayResult for more information. |
PayloadReadyToRequestFailed PayloadReadyToRequestFailedDescription | Android | 0005 | The Google Pay ready to request payload generate failed. |
PayloadPaymentDataRequestFailed PayloadPaymentDataRequestFailedDescription | Android | 0005 | The Google Pay payment data request payload generate failed. |
ValidationFailed ValidationFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | Validation failed due to invalid value for {values}, these value are required for the payment. |
InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallback InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallbackDescription | Android | 0099 | The payment result response callback cannot be null/nil. |
ThirdPartySDKFailed ThirdPartySDKFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | Third party SDK failed. |
LaunchPaymentActivityFailed LaunchPaymentActivityFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | Launch payment activity failed. |
PaymentInfoInitializationFailed PaymentInfoInitializationFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | The payment info initialization failed. |
Apple Pay Payment Response Code
Class ApplePayPaymentResponseCode |
Parameter | Platform | Code | Description |
TokenGeneratedSuccess TokenGeneratedSuccessDescription | iOS | 0000 | The Apple Pay token successfully generated. |
SupportedDevice SupportedDeviceDescription | iOS | 0000 | The Apple Pay supported on this device. |
TokenGenerateFailed TokenGenerateFailedDescription | iOS | 0001 | The Apple Pay token generate failed. |
PaymentCancelled PaymentCancelledDescription | iOS | 0002 | The Apple Pay cancelled. |
UnsupportedDevice UnsupportedDeviceDescription | iOS | 0003 | The Apple Pay unsupported on this device. |
ValidationFailed ValidationFailedDescription | iOS | 0099 | Validation failed due to invalid value for {values}, these value are required for the payment. |
InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallback InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallbackDescription | iOS | 0099 | The payment result response callback cannot be null/nil. |
ZaloPay Payment Response Code
Class ZaloPayPaymentResponseCode |
Parameter | Platform | Code | Description |
PaymentSuccess PaymentSuccessDescription | iOS / Android | 0000 | The payment success, please use payment token for request transaction status inquiry API. |
PaymentCancelled PaymentCancelledDescription | iOS / Android | 0001 | The payment cancelled, please check ZaloPayResult for more information. |
PaymentFailed PaymentFailedDescription | iOS / Android | 0002 | The payment failed, please check ZaloPayResult for more information. |
ValidationFailed ValidationFailedDescription | iOS / Android | 0099 | Validation failed due to invalid value for {values}, these value are required for the payment. |
InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallback InvalidPaymentResultResponseCallbackDescription | iOS / Android | 0099 | The payment result response callback cannot be null/nil. |
ThirdPartySDKFailed ThirdPartySDKFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | Third party SDK failed. |
LaunchPaymentActivityFailed LaunchPaymentActivityFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | Launch payment activity failed. |
PaymentInfoInitializationFailed PaymentInfoInitializationFailedDescription | Android | 0099 | The payment info initialization failed. |
Updated 4 months ago