Payment Response Codes
Code | Description |
0000 | Successful |
0001 | Transaction is pending |
0003 | Transaction is cancelled |
0004 | Transaction is soft-declined. Resubmit the transaction after 3ds authentication |
0999 | System error |
2001 | Transaction in progress |
2002 | Transaction not found |
2003 | Payment / Inquiry Failed |
4000 | Card Verification Successful |
4001 | Refer to card issuer |
4002 | Refer to issuer's special conditions |
4003 | Invalid merchant ID |
4004 | Pick up card |
4005 | Do not honor |
4006 | Error |
4007 | Pick up card, special condition |
4008 | Honor with ID |
4009 | Request in progress |
4010 | Partial amount approved |
4011 | Approved VIP |
4012 | Invalid Transaction |
4013 | Invalid Amount |
4014 | Invalid Card Number |
4015 | No such issuer |
4016 | Approved, Update Track 3 |
4018 | Customer Dispute |
4019 | Re-enter Transaction |
4020 | Invalid Response |
4021 | No Action Taken |
4022 | Suspected Malfunction |
4023 | Unacceptable Transaction Fee |
4024 | File Update Not Supported by Receiver |
4025 | Unable to Locate Record on File |
4026 | Duplicate File Update Record |
4027 | File Update Field Edit Error |
4028 | File Update File Locked Out |
4029 | File Update not Successful |
4030 | Format Error |
4031 | Bank Not Supported by Switch |
4032 | Completed Partially |
4033 | Expired Card - Pick Up |
4034 | Suspected Fraud - Pick Up |
4035 | Restricted Card - Pick Up |
4036 | Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded |
4037 | No Credit Account |
4038 | Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded |
4039 | No Credit Account |
4040 | Requested Function not Supported |
4041 | Lost Card - Pick Up |
4042 | No Universal Amount |
4043 | Stolen Card - Pick Up |
4044 | No Investment Account |
4045 | Settlement Success |
4046 | Settlement Fail |
4047 | Cancel Success |
4048 | Cancel Fail |
4049 | No Transaction Reference Number |
4050 | Host Down |
4051 | Insufficient Funds |
4052 | No Cheque Account |
4053 | No Savings Account |
4054 | Expired Card |
4055 | Incorrect PIN |
4056 | No Card Record |
4057 | Transaction Not Permitted to Cardholder |
4058 | Transaction Not Permitted to Terminal |
4059 | Suspected Fraud |
4060 | Card Acceptor Contact Acquirer |
4061 | Exceeds Withdrawal Amount Limits |
4062 | Restricted Card |
4063 | Security Violation |
4064 | Original Amount Incorrect |
4065 | Exceeds Withdrawal Frequency Limit |
4066 | Card Acceptor Call Acquirer Security |
4067 | Hard Capture - Pick Up Card at ATM |
4068 | Response Received Too Late |
4069 | Reserved |
4070 | Settle amount cannot exceed authorized amount |
4071 | Inquiry Record Not Exist |
4072 | Promotion not allowed in current payment method |
4073 | Promotion Limit Reached |
4074 | Reserved |
4075 | Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded |
4076 | Invalid Credit Card Format |
4077 | Invalid Expiry Date Format |
4078 | Invalid Three Digits Format |
4079 | Reserved |
4080 | User Cancellation by Closing Internet Browser |
4081 | Unable to Authenticate Card Holder |
4082 | Reserved |
4083 | Reserved |
4084 | Reserved |
4085 | Reserved |
4086 | ATM Malfunction |
4087 | No Envelope Inserted |
4088 | Unable to Dispense |
4089 | Administration Error |
4090 | Cut-off in Progress |
4091 | Issuer or Switch is Inoperative |
4092 | Financial Insititution Not Found |
4093 | Trans Cannot Be Completed |
4094 | Duplicate Transmission |
4095 | Reconcile Error |
4096 | System Malfunction |
4097 | Reconciliation Totals Reset |
4098 | MAC Error |
4099 | Unable to Complete Payment |
4110 | Settled |
4120 | Refunded |
4121 | Refund Rejected |
4122 | Refund Failed |
4130 | Chargeback |
4131 | Chargeback Rejected |
4132 | Chargeback Failed |
4140 | Transaction Does Not Exist |
4200 | Tokenization Successful |
4201 | Tokenization Failed |
4202 | Invalid Card / Customer Token |
4203 | No response from account issuer |
4204 | Tokenization Action Failed (Token) |
4205 | Tokenization Action Failed (Limit Exceed) |
4208 | Tokenization Action Failed (Client) |
4209 | Tokenization Action Failed (Issuer) |
5002 | Timeout |
5003 | Invalid Message |
5004 | Invalid Profile (Merchant) ID |
5005 | Duplicated Invoice |
5006 | Invalid Amount |
5007 | Insufficient Balance |
5008 | Invalid Currency Code |
5009 | Payment Expired |
5011 | Invalid Payee ID |
5012 | Invalid Customer ID |
5013 | Account Does Not Exist |
5014 | Authentication Failed |
5015 | Customer paid more than transaction amount |
5016 | Customer paid less than transaction amount |
5017 | Paid Expired |
5018 | Reserved |
5019 | No-Action From WebPay |
5998 | Internal Error |
6012 | Invalid Transaction |
6101 | Invalid request message |
6102 | Required Payload |
6103 | Invalid JWT data |
6104 | Required merchantId |
6105 | Required paymentChannel |
6106 | Required authCode |
6107 | Invalid merchantId |
6108 | Invalid paymentChannel |
6109 | paymentChannel is not configured |
6110 | Unable to retrieve usertoken |
7012 | Invalid Transaction |
9004 | The [ParameterName] value is not valid |
9005 | Some mandatory fields are missing |
9006 | This field exceeded its authorized length |
9007 | Invalid merchant |
9008 | Invalid payment expiry |
9009 | Amount is invalid |
9010 | Invalid Currency Code |
9012 | paymentItem name is required |
9013 | paymentItem quantity is required |
9014 | paymentItem amount is required |
9015 | Existing Invoice Number |
9016 | Failed to retrieve PaymentInstruction |
9017 | PaymentInstruction not available |
9035 | Payment failed |
9037 | Merchant configuration is missing |
9038 | Failed To Generate Token |
9039 | The merchant frontend URL is missing |
9040 | The token is invalid |
9041 | Payment token already used |
9042 | Hash value mismatch |
9057 | Payment options are invalid |
9058 | Payment channel invalid |
9059 | Payment channel unauthorized |
9060 | Payment channel unconfigured |
9078 | Promotion code does not exist |
9080 | Tokenization not allowed |
9088 | SubMerchant is required |
9089 | Duplicated SubMerchant |
9090 | SubMerchant Not Found |
9091 | Invalid Sub Merchant ID |
9092 | Invalid Sub Merchant invoiceNo |
9093 | Existing Sub Merchant Invoice Number |
9094 | Invalid Sub Merchant Amount |
9095 | Sub Merchant Amount mismatch |
9100 | FxRateId and OriginalAmount are required |
9101 | Not allow to make a payment with Fx |
9102 | FxRate not available |
9103 | Invalid amount. (for the transaction which using the FxRateId) |
9104 | Invalid Country Code (Airline Info) |
9105 | Invalid Currency Code (Airline Info) |
9106 | Invalid Loyalty Redeem Amount |
9107 | Invalid Loyalty Provider |
9108 | Duplicated Loyalty Reward Id |
9109 | Required Loyalty's External Merchant Id |
9110 | Failed to Inquiry Loyalty Rewards |
9202 | Invalid CustomerToken |
9900 | Unable to decrypt the payload |
9901 | Invalid invoicePrefix |
9902 | allowAccumulate is required |
9903 | maxAccumulateAmount is required |
9904 | recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is required |
9905 | recurringCount is required |
9906 | recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is required |
9907 | Invalid ChargeNextDate |
9908 | Invalid ChargeOnDate |
9909 | chargeNextDate is required |
9990 | Request to merchant front end has failed |
9991 | Request merchant secure has failed |
9992 | Request payment secure has failed |
9993 | An unknown error has occured |
9994 | Request DB service has failed |
9995 | Request payment service has failed |
9996 | Request Qwik service has failed |
9997 | Request user preferences has failed |
9998 | Request store card has failed |
9999 | Request to merchant backend has failed |
Updated 3 months ago