Reconcile Report
To generate Reconcile reports for full payments, refer to the guide below.
Connect using SFTP
- IP Address :
- Port : 22
- Username : The merchant must fill in the SFTP setup form and send the request to support team. An account will be created for merchant to access 2c2p SFTP in demo and production environment.
- Response Path : /output
- Drop time for response file: Everyday Before 4.00AM GMT+7
How to get the report
- At the specified time, 2C2P will drop a CSV file in the SFTP server. The file name follows the format Reconcile2c2p_A_v2.1_MID_CURRENCY_yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss.csv
- The merchant must get the file from the SFTP Server.
- For more information on the report's contents, refer to Data Parameters below.
File Format Specification
- File name format: Reconcile2c2p_A_v1.8_MID_CURRENCY_yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss.csv
- Reconcile2c2p_A_v2.1_JT_THB_2017-07-18_153136.ext- Parameter delimiter: comma "," for CSV Format
- Record delimiter: line break
Data Attribute Reference
Data Type
- A: Alphabet
- AN: Alphanumeric
- C: Characters
- B: Boolean
- D: Decimal
- N: Numeric
Mandatory attributes
- M: Mandatory
- C: Conditional
- O: Optional
Data Parameters
Sample File
Download sample csv file here.
2C2P2023102301,1,D,test,0,23/10/2023,test,20/10/2023,102619,20/10/2023,000000,702702000000000,234r23r23r,,001,VI,FIRST DATA CORPORATIONS,1.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.03000,0.00000,2C2P-231020-0023,21/10/2023,0.66000,0.04000,0.70000,,0.00090,0.97090,0.00000,SGD,478170,05,411111XXXXXX1111,,,,,,3.00,,USA,VI,8076932,2C2P SG Test B,,Customer,Payment for 234r23r23r,,0.00,,,,,0.00,,,,,,,,,7315705,0.00000,0.00000
2C2P2023102301,2,D,test,0,23/10/2023,test,20/10/2023,101800,20/10/2023,000000,702702000000000,998899,,001,VI,FIRST DATA CORPORATIONS,10.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.30000,0.02000,2C2P-231020-0023,21/10/2023,0.66000,0.04000,0.70000,,0.00900,9.68900,0.00000,SGD,319581,05,411111XXXXXX1111,,,,,,3.00,,USA,VI,8076907,2C2P SG Test B,,Customer,Payment,,0.00,,,,,0.00,,,,,,,,,7315689,0.00000,0.00000
2C2P2023102301,3,D,test,0,23/10/2023,test,20/10/2023,150350,20/10/2023,000000,702702000000000,acxasd123,,001,VI,FIRST DATA CORPORATIONS,10.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.30000,0.02000,2C2P-231020-0023,21/10/2023,0.66000,0.04000,0.70000,,0.00900,9.68900,0.00000,SGD,627247,05,411111XXXXXX1111,,,,,,3.00,,USA,VI,8078188,2C2P SG Test B,,Customer,Payment for acxasd123,,0.00,,,,,0.00,,,,,,,,,7316638,0.00000,0.00000
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
BATCH_NO | AN 20 | M | 2C2P+YYMMDD (Payin BATCH NO)+NN |
LINE_NO | N 5 | M | H = Total Line No. , D= Line number |
TYPE_TABLE | AN 1 | M | H=Header, D=Detail |
BANK_CODE | AN 25 | M | Bank Swift Code |
ACCOUNT_NO | AN 25 | M | Merchant Bank Account Number |
VAT_NO | AN 25 | M | 0107536000633 (Merchant Tax Registation No) |
ORDER_DATE | AN 10 | M | Customer order date [format : DD/MM/YYYY] |
ORDER_TIME | AN 6 | M | Customer order time [format : HHMMSS] |
PAYMENT_DATE | AN 10 | M | Customer pay date [format : DD/MM/YYYY] |
PAYMENT_TIME | AN 6 | M | Customer pay time [format : HHMMSS] |
MERCHANT_ID | AN 15 | M | Merchant ID defined by 2C2P |
ORDER_ID | AN 20 | M | Unique merchant order number Example: 00000000010000091203 Note: The same order number may appear in the file for different payment methods. For instance, 1 line item for Loyalty and 1 line item for Card Payment |
INVOICE_NO | AN 50 | M | Merchant Invoice Number |
PAYMENT_TYPE | AN 3 | M | Payment type codes 001 = Credit and debit cards / Wallets 002 = Cash payment channels 003 = Direct debit 004 = Others 005 = Refund 006 = Installment Payment 007 = Loyalty Payment 008 = Chargeback 010 = Other Charges 011 = Authorize Charges 012 = Void Charges 013 = Sale/Capture Interchange Charges 014 = Refund Interchange Charges 015 = Chargeback Interchange Charges |
PAYMENT_CHANNEL | AN 30 | M | Refer to Payment Channel Matrix Table |
AGENT_CODE | AN 30 | M | Refer to Agent Code |
AMOUNT | N 15 | M | Amount in 2-decimal value * Example: 1000.00 |
DISCOUNT | N 15 | M | Discount amount (Always 0) |
TRANSACTION_FEE | N 15 | M | Transaction fee, if needed |
COMMISSION_FEE | N 15 | M | Service fee charged to Merchant (MDR) |
COM_VAT_AMOUNT | N 15 | M | Commission Vat Amount (7 % of Commission Fee) |
TAX Invoice No | AN 50 | M | Tax invoice number which 2C2P issues to merchant on daily settlement |
TAX Invoice Date | AN 10 | M | Issuance date of tax Invoice (Pay-in date) * In DD/MM/YYYY format |
TAX Invoice COM Amount | N 15 | M | Tax Invoice COM Amount from Tax Invoice issued to merchant |
TAX Invoice VAT Amount | N 15 | M | Tax Invoice VAT Amount from Tax Invoice VAT issued to merchant |
TAX Invoice SUM Amount | N 15 | M | Tax Invoice Sum Amount = TAX Invoice Com Amount + TAX Invoice VAT Amount |
WHT_NO | AN 50 | O | WHT Number (Blank) |
WHT_AMOUNT | N 15 | M | Withholding Tax Amount (3% of ServiceFee) |
PAYIN_AMOUNT | N 15 | M | Total Payin Amount (Include Refund) (Amount - Commission Fee - COM_VAT_Amount + WHT Amount - EWT Amount) |
SHIPPING_FEE | N 15 | M | Shipping cost charged by Merchant (Always 0) |
CurrencyCode | AN 3 | M | ISO 4217 Currency Code |
approval_code | AN 10 | M | Authorization code from issuing bank * This field is only applicable when the customer pays with credit or debit card |
eci | AN 2 | M | ECI value * This field is only applicable when the customer pays with credit or debit card |
masked_pan/Payment Ref Code | AN 20 | M / O | (Optional) First 6 and last 4 digits of the credit card. Example: 444321XXXXXX3212 This field is only applicable when the customer pays with credit or debit card |
user_defined_1 | AN 150 | O | Reference number, booking number, tracking number or order number for merchant use. |
user_defined_2 | AN 150 | O | Reference number, booking number, tracking number or order number for merchant use. |
user_defined_3 | AN 150 | O | Reference number, booking number, tracking number or order number for merchant |
user_defined_4 | AN 150 | O | Reference number, booking number, tracking number or order number for merchant use. |
user_defined_5 | AN 150 | O | Reference number, booking number, tracking number or order number for merchant use. |
MDR | N 5 | M | Full Payment MDR in percentage (%) |
refund_note | AN 250 | O | Refund / Chargeback notes |
Issuer country | AN 3 | O | Card Issuer Country |
CARD_BRAND | AN 30 | O | Refer to Payment Channel Matrix Table |
TxnID | N 10 | O | Txn ID in PGW and 123 |
Merchant_Name | AN 300 | O | Merchant's name in 2C2P records |
Ref ID | AN 20 | O | QR Payment = QR Ref ID |
Cardholder name | AN 150 | O | Cardholder's name |
Product Description | AN 250 | O | Product description |
Promotion Code | AN 50 | O | Merchant's Promotion Code |
Acquirer Discount | N 15 | O | Discount given to cardholder by acquirer |
Acquirer Discount Currency | AN 3 | O | Currency of Discount given to cardholder by acquirer |
MCP Amount | N 15 | O | Cardholder's paid amount |
MCP Currency | AN 3 | O | Cardholder's paid currency |
MCP Exchange Rate | N 15 | O | Cardholder's paid currency to merchant currency |
EWT Amount | N 15 | O | EWT Amount if applicable |
Custom Data 1 | AN 150 | O | Custom dataset from 2C2P |
Custom Data 2 | AN 150 | O | Custom dataset from 2C2P |
Redeemed Points | N 15 | O | Redeemed points |
Redeemed Points Amount | N 15 | O | Points amount |
Redeemed Voucher Name | AN 50 | O | Voucher code redeemed |
Redeemed Voucher Quantity | N 15 | O | Number of vouchers redeemed |
Redeemed Voucher Amount | N 15 | O | Total redeemed voucher amount |
Payment Type Name | AN 50 | O | Payment Type Description |
Backend Reference No | AN 50 | O | Internal Reference No |
Refund Chargeback Fee | N 15 | O | Refund Chargeback fee |
Refund Chargeback VAT | N 15 | O | Refund Chargeback VAT amount |
Updated 4 months ago