Customer Address For Payment

Merchants who store customers' billing address information may fill in those details during the customer's checkout process using this API.


API Method

PGW SDK API Interface



SDK Payment Classes
SDK Payment Enums

1. Generate Payment Token

To prepare a payment token request, refer to the required parameters below.


Payment Token API

Refer to: Payment Token API

    "merchantID": "JT04",
    "invoiceNo": "1595219400",
    "description": "2 days 1 night hotel room",
    "amount": 10.0,
    "currencyCode": "THB",
    "nonceStr": "a8092512-b144-41b0-8284-568bb5e9264c",
    "paymentChannel": ["GCARD"],
    "request3DS" : "Y"

2. Receive Payment Token Response

To receive a payment token response, refer to the sample payment token response below.

String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z1ZVTsOqiwXIfPQP1G2x7Ct7lH5ueUnt2TUdoT6FlZqf8hTUV9NxDmJk99mSNHpDs052ujwv+TXtnZ2OfJ0WZEl";
val paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL"
NSString *paymentToken = @"roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z1ZVTsOqiwXIfPQP1G2x7Ct7lH5ueUnt2TUdoT6FlZqf8hTUV9NxDmJk99mSNHpDs052ujwv+TXtnZ2OfJ0WZEl";
let paymentToken: String = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z1ZVTsOqiwXIfPQP1G2x7Ct7lH5ueUnt2TUdoT6FlZqf8hTUV9NxDmJk99mSNHpDs052ujwv+TXtnZ2OfJ0WZEl"
String paymentToken = 'roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL';
let paymentToken = 'roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL';

3. Prepare Customer Billing Address Information

To prepare the customer's billing address, refer to the parameters below.


Payment Request Parameter

Refer to: Payment Request API Parameter

UserBillingAddress userBillingAddress = new UserBillingAddress();
userBillingAddress.setAddress1("128 Beach Road");
userBillingAddress.setAddress3("Guoco Midtown");
UserAddress userAddress = new UserAddressBuilder()
val userBillingAddress = UserBillingAddress().apply {
       address1 = "128 Beach Road"
       address2 = "#21-04"
       address3 = "Guoco Midtown"
       city = "Singapore"
       countryCode = "SG"
       postalCode = "189773"
       state = "Singapore"
val userAddress: UserAddress = UserAddressBuilder().apply {
UserBillingAddress *userBillingAddress = [UserBillingAddress alloc];
userBillingAddress.address1 = @"128 Beach Road";
userBillingAddress.address2 = @"#21-04";
userBillingAddress.address3 = @"Guoco Midtown"; = @"Singapore";
userBillingAddress.countryCode = @"SG";
userBillingAddress.postalCode = @"189773";
userBillingAddress.state = @"Singapore";
UserAddress *userAddress = [[[UserAddressBuilder alloc]
                              userBillingAddress: userBillingAddress]
let userBillingAddress: UserBillingAddress = UserBillingAddress()
userBillingAddress.address1 = "128 Beach Road"
userBillingAddress.address2 = "#21-04"
userBillingAddress.address3 = "Guoco Midtown" = "Singapore"
userBillingAddress.countryCode = "SG"
userBillingAddress.postalCode = "189773"
userBillingAddress.state = "Singapore"
let userAddress: UserAddress = UserAddressBuilder()
Map<String, dynamic> userAddress = {
   'billingAddress1': '128 Beach Road',
   'billingAddress2': '#21-04',
   'billingAddress3': 'Guoco Midtown',
   'billingCity': 'Singapore',
   'billingState': 'Singapore',
   'billingPostalCode': '189773',
   'billingCountryCode': 'SG'
let userAddress = {
   'billingAddress1': '128 Beach Road',
   'billingAddress2': '#21-04',
   'billingAddress3': 'Guoco Midtown',
   'billingCity': 'Singapore',
   'billingState': 'Singapore',
   'billingPostalCode': '189773',
   'billingCountryCode': 'SG'

4. Construct Customer Address Payment Request

Set the customer address in the request, refer to the parameters below.

PaymentCode paymentCode = new PaymentCode("CC");
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode, "4111111111111111")
val paymentCode = PaymentCode("CC")
val paymentRequest = CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode, "4111111111111111").apply {
PaymentCode *paymentCode = [[PaymentCode alloc] initWithChannelCode: @"CC"];
PaymentRequest *paymentRequest = [[[[[[[CardPaymentBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentCode: paymentCode cardNo: @"4111111111111111"]
                                        expiryMonth: 12]
                                        expiryYear: 2026]
                                        securityCode: @"123"]
                                        userAddress: userAddress]
let paymentCode: PaymentCode = PaymentCode(channelCode: "CC")
let paymentRequest: PaymentRequest = CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode: paymentCode, "4111111111111111")
Map<String, dynamic> paymentCode = {
   'channelCode': 'CC'
Map<String, dynamic> paymentRequest = {
   'cardNo': '4111111111111111',
   'expiryMonth': 12,
   'expiryYear': 2026,
   'securityCode': '123',
let paymentCode = {
   'channelCode': 'CC'
let paymentRequest = {
   'cardNo': '4111111111111111',
   'expiryMonth': 12,
   'expiryYear': 2026,
   'securityCode': '123',

5. Construct Payment Transaction Request

To prepare a payment transaction request, refer to the parameters below.


Payment Transaction Request API Parameters

Refer to: Do Payment Request API Parameters

TransactionResultRequest transactionResultRequest = new TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken)
val transactionResultRequest = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken).apply {
TransactionResultRequest *transactionResultRequest = [[[[TransactionResultRequestBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentToken: paymentToken]
                                                         withPaymentRequest: paymentRequest]
let transactionResultRequest: TransactionResultRequest = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken: paymentToken)
Map<String, dynamic> transactionResultRequest = {
   'paymentToken': paymentToken,
   'payment': {
      'code': {
      'data': {
let transactionResultRequest = {
   'paymentToken': paymentToken,
   'payment': {
      'code': {
      'data': {


6. Execute Payment Request

To receive a payment transaction request response, refer to the parameters below.


Payment Transaction Response API Parameters

Refer to: Do Payment Response API Parameters



Response Code
To view payment process flows based on response code, refer to: Payment Flow Response Codes

PGWSDK.getInstance().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, new APIResponseCallback<TransactionResultResponse>() {
     public void onResponse(TransactionResultResponse response) {
          if (response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect) || response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect)) {
                String redirectUrl = response.getData(); //Open WebView
          } else if (response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted)) {
               //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
          } else {
               //Get error response and display error.
     public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
          //Get error response and display error.
PGWSDK.getInstance().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, object : APIResponseCallback<TransactionResultResponse> {
       override fun onResponse(response: TransactionResultResponse) {
              if (response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect || response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect) {
                     val redirectUrl = //Open WebView
              } else if (response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted) {
                     //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
              } else {
                     //Get error response and display error.
       override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
              //Get error response and display error.
[[PGWSDK shared] proceedTransactionWithTransactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest response: ^(TransactionResultResponse * _Nonnull response) {
     if([response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect] || [response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect]) {
          NSString *redirectUrl =; //Open WebView
     } else if([response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted]) {
          //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
     } else {
          //Get error response and display error.
} failure: ^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
     //Get error response and display error.
PGWSDK.shared.proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest, { (response: TransactionResultResponse) in
     if response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect || response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect {
           let redirectUrl: String = //Open WebView
     } else if response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted {
           //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
     } else {
           //Get error response and display error.
}) { (error: NSError) in
     //Get error response and display error.
PGWSDK().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, (response) {
   if (response['responseCode'] == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateRedirect || response['responseCode'] == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateFullRedirect) {
       String redirectUrl = response['data']; //Open WebView
   } else if (response['responseCode'] == APIResponseCode.transactionCompleted) {
       //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
   } else {
       //Get error response and display error.
}, (error) {
    //Get error response and display error.
await RTNPGW.proceedTransaction(JSON.stringify(transactionResultRequest)).then((response: string) => {
    let transactionResultResponse = JSON.parse(response);
    if (transactionResultResponse?.responseCode == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateRedirect || transactionResultResponse?.responseCode == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateFullRedirect) {
        let redirectUrl = transactionResultResponse?.data; //Open WebView
    } else if (transactionResultResponse?.responseCode == APIResponseCode.transactionCompleted) {
        //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
    } else {
        //Get error response and display error.
}).catch ((error: Error) => {
    //Get error response and display error


Callback for PGW Payment Authentication

Refer to: Handle PGW Payment Authentication

7. Initiate Transaction Status Inquiry

To retrieve transaction details and status, merchants must initiate the Transaction Status Inquiry API. Refer to the sample code below.


Transaction Status Inquiry API

Refer to: Transaction Status Inquiry API

Full Sample Code

The following sample code demonstrates parameters and requests for each step of the process.

//Step 1: Generate payment token.
String paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";
//Step 2: Construct customer billing address information.
UserBillingAddress userBillingAddress = new UserBillingAddress();
userBillingAddress.setAddress1("128 Beach Road");
userBillingAddress.setAddress3("Guoco Midtown");
UserAddress userAddress = new UserAddressBuilder()
//Step 3: Construct payment request and add user address into request.
PaymentCode paymentCode = new PaymentCode("CC");
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode, "4111111111111111")
//Step 4: Construct transaction request.
TransactionResultRequest transactionResultRequest = new TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken)

//Step 5: Execute payment request.
PGWSDK.getInstance().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, new APIResponseCallback<TransactionResultResponse>() {
     public void onResponse(TransactionResultResponse response) {
          if (response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect) || response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect)) {
                String redirectUrl = response.getData(); //Open WebView
          } else if (response.getResponseCode().equals(APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted)) {
               //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
          } else {
               //Get error response and display error.
     public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
          //Get error response and display error.
//Step 1: Generate payment token.
val paymentToken = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL"
//Step 2: Construct customer billing address information.
val userBillingAddress = UserBillingAddress().apply {
       address1 = "128 Beach Road"
       address2 = "#21-04"
       address3 = "Guoco Midtown"
       city = "Singapore"
       countryCode = "SG"
       postalCode = "189773"
       state = "Singapore"
val userAddress: UserAddress = UserAddressBuilder().apply {
//Step 3: Construct payment request and add user address into request.
val paymentCode = PaymentCode("CC")
val paymentRequest = CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode, "4111111111111111").apply {
//Step 4: Construct transaction request.
val transactionResultRequest = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken).apply {
//Step 5: Execute payment request.
PGWSDK.getInstance().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, object : APIResponseCallback<TransactionResultResponse> {
       override fun onResponse(response: TransactionResultResponse) {
              if (response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect || response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect) {
                     val redirectUrl = //Open WebView
              } else if (response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted) {
                     //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
              } else {
                     //Get error response and display error.
       override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
              //Get error response and display error.
//Step 1: Generate payment token.
NSString *paymentToken = @"roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL";

//Step 2: Construct customer billing address information.
UserBillingAddress *userBillingAddress = [UserBillingAddress alloc];
userBillingAddress.address1 = @"128 Beach Road";
userBillingAddress.address2 = @"#21-04";
userBillingAddress.address3 = @"Guoco Midtown"; = @"Singapore";
userBillingAddress.countryCode = @"SG";
userBillingAddress.postalCode = @"189773";
userBillingAddress.state = @"Singapore";
UserAddress *userAddress = [[[UserAddressBuilder alloc]
                              userBillingAddress: userBillingAddress]
//Step 3: Construct payment request and add user address into request.
PaymentCode *paymentCode = [[PaymentCode alloc] initWithChannelCode: @"CC"];
PaymentRequest *paymentRequest = [[[[[[[CardPaymentBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentCode: paymentCode cardNo: @"4111111111111111"]
                                        expiryMonth: 12]
                                        expiryYear: 2026]
                                        securityCode: @"123"]
                                        userAddress: userAddress]
//Step 4: Construct transaction request.
TransactionResultRequest *transactionResultRequest = [[[[TransactionResultRequestBuilder alloc] initWithPaymentToken: paymentToken]
                                                         withPaymentRequest: paymentRequest]

//Step 5: Execute payment request.
[[PGWSDK shared] proceedTransactionWithTransactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest response: ^(TransactionResultResponse * _Nonnull response) {
     if([response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect] || [response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect]) {
          NSString *redirectUrl =; //Open WebView
     } else if([response.responseCode isEqualToString: APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted]) {
          //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
     } else {
          //Get error response and display error.
} failure: ^(NSError * _Nonnull error) {
     //Get error response and display error.
//Step 1: Generate payment token.
let paymentToken: String = "roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL"

//Step 2: Construct customer billing address information.
let userBillingAddress: UserBillingAddress = UserBillingAddress()
userBillingAddress.address1 = "128 Beach Road"
userBillingAddress.address2 = "#21-04"
userBillingAddress.address3 = "Guoco Midtown" = "Singapore"
userBillingAddress.countryCode = "SG"
userBillingAddress.postalCode = "189773"
userBillingAddress.state = "Singapore"
let userAddress: UserAddress = UserAddressBuilder()
//Step 3: Construct payment request and add user address into request.
let paymentCode: PaymentCode = PaymentCode(channelCode: "CC")
let paymentRequest: PaymentRequest = CardPaymentBuilder(paymentCode: paymentCode, "4111111111111111")
//Step 4: Construct transaction request.
let transactionResultRequest: TransactionResultRequest = TransactionResultRequestBuilder(paymentToken: paymentToken)

//Step 5: Execute payment request.
PGWSDK.shared.proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest: transactionResultRequest, { (response: TransactionResultResponse) in
     if response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateRedirect || response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionAuthenticateFullRedirect {
           let redirectUrl: String = //Open WebView
     } else if response.responseCode == APIResponseCode.TransactionCompleted {
           //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
     } else {
           //Get error response and display error.
}) { (error: NSError) in
     //Get error response and display error.
//Step 1: Generate payment token.
String paymentToken = 'roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL';

//Step 2: Construct customer billing address information.
Map<String, dynamic> userAddress = {
   'billingAddress1': '128 Beach Road',
   'billingAddress2': '#21-04',
   'billingAddress3': 'Guoco Midtown',
   'billingCity': 'Singapore',
   'billingState': 'Singapore',
   'billingPostalCode': '189773',
   'billingCountryCode': 'SG'
//Step 3: Construct payment request and add user address into request.
Map<String, dynamic> paymentCode = {
   'channelCode': 'CC'
Map<String, dynamic> paymentRequest = {
   'cardNo': '4111111111111111',
   'expiryMonth': 12,
   'expiryYear': 2026,
   'securityCode': '123',
//Step 4: Construct transaction request.
Map<String, dynamic> transactionResultRequest = {
   'paymentToken': paymentToken,
   'payment': {
      'code': {
      'data': {
//Step 5: Execute payment request.
PGWSDK().proceedTransaction(transactionResultRequest, (response) {
   if (response['responseCode'] == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateRedirect || response['responseCode'] == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateFullRedirect) {
       String redirectUrl = response['data']; //Open WebView
   } else if (response['responseCode'] == APIResponseCode.transactionCompleted) {
       //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
   } else {
       //Get error response and display error.
}, (error) {
    //Get error response and display error.
//Step 1: Generate payment token.
let paymentToken = 'roZG9I1hk/GYjNt+BYPYbxQtKElbZDs9M5cXuEbE+Z0QTr/yUcl1oG7t0AGoOJlBhzeyBtf5mQi1UqGbjC66E85S4m63CfV/awwNbbLbkxsvfgzn0KSv7JzH3gcs/OIL';
//Step 2: Construct customer billing address information.
let userAddress = {
   'billingAddress1': '128 Beach Road',
   'billingAddress2': '#21-04',
   'billingAddress3': 'Guoco Midtown',
   'billingCity': 'Singapore',
   'billingState': 'Singapore',
   'billingPostalCode': '189773',
   'billingCountryCode': 'SG'
//Step 3: Construct payment request and add user address into request.
let paymentCode = {
   'channelCode': 'CC'
let paymentRequest = {
   'cardNo': '4111111111111111',
   'expiryMonth': 12,
   'expiryYear': 2026,
   'securityCode': '123',
//Step 4: Construct transaction request.
let transactionResultRequest = {
   'paymentToken': paymentToken,
   'payment': {
      'code': {
      'data': {
//Step 5: Execute payment request.
await RTNPGW.proceedTransaction(JSON.stringify(transactionResultRequest)).then((response: string) => {
    let transactionResultResponse = JSON.parse(response);
    if (transactionResultResponse?.responseCode == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateRedirect || transactionResultResponse?.responseCode == APIResponseCode.transactionAuthenticateFullRedirect) {
        let redirectUrl = transactionResultResponse?.data; //Open WebView
    } else if (transactionResultResponse?.responseCode == APIResponseCode.transactionCompleted) {
        //Inquiry payment result by using invoice no.
    } else {
        //Get error response and display error.
}).catch ((error: Error) => {
    //Get error response and display error