Installment Payment Plan options inquiry
Important Notice
New version of Payment Action API has been released.
We are recommending our merchants to refer new guide Payment Maintenance to implement Payment Action API.
Allows merchant to pull available IPP options for specific Merchant ID.
Please refer Demo & Live Endpoint.
Prepare IPP Options Inquiry Request
Download Sample Code
Required necessary certificate key for the Payment Action Request and Response. Please refer Certificate Generation Guide.
Set account credentials
//Merchant's account information
$merchantID = "JT01"; //Get MerchantID when opening account with 2C2P
$secretKey = "7jYcp4FxFdf0"; //Get SecretKey from 2C2P PGW Dashboard
Set Inquiry Parameter
//Request Information
$version = "2.3";
Set payment action request information
//Construct signature string
$stringToHash = $version . $merchantID;
$hash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToHash ,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
Construct payment action request message
//Construct request message
$xml = "<IppOptionRequest>
$pkcs7 = new pkcs7();
$payload = $pkcs7->encrypt($xml,"./keys/demo2.crt"); //Encrypt payload
Submit payment action request message
//Send request to 2C2P PGW and get back response
$http = new HTTP();
$response = $http->post("","paymentRequest=".$payload);
Read payment response and Validate Hash
//Decrypt response message and display
$response = $pkcs7->decrypt($response,"./keys/demo2.crt","./keys/demo2.pem","2c2p");
echo "Response:<br/><textarea style='width:100%;height:80px'>". $response."</textarea>";
//Validate response Hash
$res_version = $resXml->version;
$res_timeStamp = $resXml->timeStamp;
$res_respCode = $resXml->respCode;
//Compute response hash
$res_stringToHash = $res_version . $res_respCode;
$res_responseHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256',$res_stringToHash,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
echo "<br/>hash: ".$res_responseHash."<br/>";
if(strtolower($resXml->hashValue) == strtolower($res_responseHash)){ echo "valid response"; }
else{ echo "invalid response"; }
Complete Code
//Merchant's account information
$merchantID = "JT01"; //Get MerchantID when opening account with 2C2P
$secretKey = "7jYcp4FxFdf0"; //Get SecretKey from 2C2P PGW Dashboard
//Request Information
$version = "2.3";
//Construct signature string
$stringToHash = $version . $merchantID;
$hash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToHash ,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
//Construct request message
$xml = "<IppOptionRequest>
$pkcs7 = new pkcs7();
$payload = $pkcs7->encrypt($xml,"./keys/demo2.crt"); //Encrypt payload
//Send request to 2C2P PGW and get back response
$http = new HTTP();
$response = $http->post("","paymentRequest=".$payload);
//Decrypt response message and display
$response = $pkcs7->decrypt($response,"./keys/demo2.crt","./keys/demo2.pem","2c2p");
echo "Response:<br/><textarea style='width:100%;height:80px'>". $response."</textarea>";
//Validate response Hash
$res_version = $resXml->version;
$res_timeStamp = $resXml->timeStamp;
$res_respCode = $resXml->respCode;
//Compute response hash
$res_stringToHash = $res_version . $res_respCode;
$res_responseHash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha256',$res_stringToHash,$secretKey, false)); //Compute hash value
echo "<br/>hash: ".$res_responseHash."<br/>";
if(strtolower($resXml->hashValue) == strtolower($res_responseHash)){ echo "valid response"; }
else{ echo "invalid response"; }
Updated about 3 years ago